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Messages - arboretic

Other Bugs / Re: Confirmation email
10 December 2016, 10:41:09 PM
I got the same result as Emil and SirDagen -- a confirmation e-mail for this forum in my spam folder, and nothing at all about the game interface itself.
Feature Requests / Observations as a new player
10 December 2016, 10:33:07 PM
Most of these are cosmetic and you probably already know about many of them.

  • It would be nice if you don't require people to choose "Male" or "Female" on sign-up, and default to the singular "they" pronouns. Hey, it's even what new Dominion cards do.
  • At the start of the game, how do you tell who the first player is, besides trying to play and seeing if you can?
  • The floating actions/buys window is sometimes annoying. Should I be able to move it? Could some interface element just be made smaller so it can have a location of its own? Also, once I clicked on it and it disappeared, and I didn't know how to get it back.
  • "/undo" is an amazing feature but quite unintuitive to use. The dots are rather inconspicuous. I tried it after limetime told me about it, and thought it just wasn't working.
  • Debt is unintuitive. The slider that says like "7 debt" should at least say "Pay off 7 debt" or something so I know what it's doing, and there should be a counter of how much debt I have somewhere besides the log.
  • Can you see player names before choosing to spectate a game, or do you just have to play spectator roulette and hope you get a game you're interested in watching?