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Messages - SirDagen

Quote from: markus on 13 September 2017, 01:40:32 PM
Then you need to play at least 20 rated games until Friday UTC 23:59.

Thank you, markus. I did. Now everything should be fine.
Quote from: drsteelhammer on 12 September 2017, 02:44:22 PM
Is that your shuffleit username? It doesn't seem to find "SirDagen" nor "sirdagen". Have you played a rated game in 2017?

Thank you for the quick reply. Maybe I havent played any rated games then. It's "sirdagen"
Hello dear moderators,

my name is "sirdagen". It is listed as "not recognised".
I would like to sign up: SirDagen. Thanks.
Feature Requests / Autobuy and tax/debt
26 July 2017, 10:16:59 AM

I dont understand the auto buy function with tax on a card. Usually I use the autobuy function to be quick and simple, so that if I click on a card that has additional debt on it, I want to play all treasures and got the debt paid back immediately. *IF I DONT* want that to happen, I can play the money one by one, but it is the other way around, which often results in undos.
Card Bugs / Re: Outpost + Donate
17 July 2017, 10:31:45 PM
Wow, that's good to know!
Card Bugs / Outpost + Donate
17 July 2017, 10:08:28 PM

I think I found a bug. I bought a Donate after playing my Outpost and I have five cards in my hand. That doesnt look right, right. I am so confused.
I am voting for bot replacement and I am looking forward to it for a long time.

When I want to resign it's because I lost interest in the game, but often the other players want to play out their win and get angry if I resign, so I am in a uncomfortable bind. Bot replacement is something I am looking forward to happening for a long time.
General Discussion / Re: Leaderboard
10 May 2017, 09:43:29 PM
That is so helpful. Thank you, Markus.
General Discussion / Re: Leaderboard
10 May 2017, 07:40:28 PM
Dear markus,

I find your treatise/comments utterly fascinating but do understand very little of it (although I do know my math). Could you explain in a few words for a statistical layman, what sigma, phi and mu stand for?
General Discussion / Re: Sore losers
10 May 2017, 11:14:21 AM
Great, now we are on track again.

Quote from: josh bornstein on 09 May 2017, 09:37:36 PM
Implement a pairing routine that keeps pairing known slowplayers to each other.

Heh.  If only that were something that could be easily implemented.

I guess it might not be extraordinarily difficult. Build a credit system, where people lose credit if they get reported too often and do not pair people with a credit difference of more than (lets say) 50%. Might be a possibility.
Feature Requests / Re: Undo to 1
09 May 2017, 05:06:11 PM
Hello Stef, can I do this after I lost? I would be absolutely fine with that. I will try that out.
General Discussion / Re: Sore losers
09 May 2017, 11:46:09 AM
Quote from: LaLight on 08 May 2017, 09:17:13 PM
we will come up with the best way of punishing.

People, punishment will get us nowhere and its not the people, its their behaviour we dont like. Therefore it is best to draw away attention from the behaviour by minimising the time we have to bestow on it.
Feature Requests / Undo to 1
09 May 2017, 11:37:17 AM
Hello dear Dominion team,

I often play against a bot and try out a strategy without a lot of thinking. Sometimes these ideas dont work and I lose the game. It is then that I would really like to have a button named "undo to turn 1" that restarts the same game with the same starting positions, same bane cards... to go for an alternative route.
There should be an easy to use button for resign and report.