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Messages - SirDagen

Feature Requests / SirDagen's requests
11 December 2016, 01:01:30 PM
Hello there,

good work so far. I thought I'd file my request in this thread:

- the mouse path from the card in my hand to the buttons (e.g. autoplay treasures) is too long. The buttons are too far up. Left-right movement isnt so critical, but up-down is -> If you dont want to move the buttons another possible solution could be to open a right click mouse menu for the options the player has
- when I spectate a game it would be nice be able to change the player I observe (and change the virtual desktop orientation: player on top goes down)
General Discussion / A bit of support
11 December 2016, 11:41:57 AM
Looks like your week-end is gone now. People with bug reports and requests everywhere.

If you need any emotional support yourself, please tell me so in this thread. To start off, let me just say that I really love the current state of your client and that I appreciate the wonderful small details and brilliant new ideas you put into it. It is so clearly visible that you love your work and care for its success. Also you have my compassion that you have to work with Javascript :)

With love and appreciation
Sir Dagen
Other Bugs / Re: Able to play Treasures after buying
11 December 2016, 01:25:43 AM
Its a feature.
Other Bugs / Re: Confirmation email
10 December 2016, 10:19:07 PM
Quote from: Emil on 10 December 2016, 10:17:52 PM
I did. The confirmation email for the forum did end up in my spam folder, but the email for the game client itself did not.

Same here
Other Bugs / Re: Confirmation email
10 December 2016, 10:16:48 PM
Hi Emil

I doesnt work for me (and if anyone asks, of course I checked my Spam folder).
Other Bugs / Confirmation email [SOLVED]
10 December 2016, 10:06:44 PM

thank you for inviting me into the new beta client. I registered my account SirDagen and I can log in, but I do not get a confirmation email. Therefore I cannot start a game ("you cant host a game when you email is not confirmed"). Did I miss something?

Thanks in advance.