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Topics - pa4

the problems start with the programming

free players
- start mostly second/last ...  i lost so many games because of one round
- get action cards later and action card dissapear for a while
- getting victory cards more often
- gets often stupid money, 4 if there are no cards for 4, 7 and you can t buy victory
- Snake Witch , i have no copies, but get always copies after drawing
- copies of cards are sticking together

i played it often enough , that it is not accidently
i plazyed with people having 10 points more, and they do not know a lot, but still winning
I have a feeling that basic members are

- 80% start the game at second player
- getting bought action cards 1-2 rounds later
- getting stupid card constellations
- getting money , eg. 7 mostly useless, or 4 when there are no cards with 4