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Bug Reports / no gameserver available
Last post by davidinlondon - 25 July 2024, 12:25:43 PM

When I try to start a game via automatch I get taken to the game options screen and get stuck there. When I click ready I get an error in the bottom right that says "no gamesever available". This has been happening for about 30 mins on 25 July 2025 from about 11am BST. I've attached a screenshot.

Feature Requests / Auto-Stacker for Rabble
Last post by fp - 24 July 2024, 01:07:57 AM
In most games, the differentiating factors between victory/curse cards is negligible regarding Rabble. May I suggest an auto-play feature for Rabble that stacks the cards in set orders:

*.Highest value on top, decreasing order
* Lowest value on top, increasing order

Support / Re: Tax invoice for subscripti...
Last post by Ingix - 18 July 2024, 12:41:34 PM
After I forward it, I think the developer usually sends the needed thing directly, so I'm out of the loop.
Support / Re: Tax invoice for subscripti...
Last post by The Return567 - 18 July 2024, 12:18:07 PM
did you suss this out ingix? just making sure
Support / Re: Client is very slow
Last post by jmclaus - 17 July 2024, 04:03:55 AM
I'm using Chrome and have already tried clearing site data / cookies.
Support / Re: Client is very slow
Last post by Ingix - 16 July 2024, 06:57:17 PM
On what brwoser/device are you having this problem?

For Firefox I assume deleting the files representing the storage in the browser would work, I'm not sure about other browsers.
Support / Re: Account Deletion
Last post by Ingix - 16 July 2024, 06:52:22 PM
Sorry, last time I did only half of what constitues an account deletion, now the other hald is done as well!
Support / Client is very slow
Last post by jmclaus - 16 July 2024, 05:22:51 PM
The client is very slow for me for things outside of a game. When first loading, the log in button does not work for close to a minute. Similar wait times when first connecting to a game and returning to the main page after leaving a game. Incognito window fixes this, but I've already cleared my cookies and still have the same problem.
Support / Account Deletion
Last post by evaschum - 16 July 2024, 11:40:20 AM
Hi, please delete my account here and on dominion game page. I already asked for it, but still have access.
Username is the same in both places.
Thank you
Support / Re: Please delete my account
Last post by Ingix - 12 July 2024, 06:29:45 PM