More Overlord interactions

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Overlord as Outpost freezes the game at end of turn (game #2918 on frankfurt-test2).

When playing several Overlords in direct succession, Scheme does not allow one to choose which one topdeck. If the the last Overlord played was played as a Duration, Scheme fails (game #2922 on frankfurt-test2). If multiple Overlords are played and one is a Duration but it's not the last one, this is not an issue (game #2926 on frankfurt-test2).

Overlord as BoM stays in play forever as BurningSkull posted, just wanted to rehash that here since he specified which copied Actions cause that behaviour but it happens to me no matter what Action i choose (game #2929 on frankfurt-test2).

And Overlord does in fact fail to copy card types, as I found out earlier when it didn't count as an attack for Soldier (game #50 on frankfurt-test2) and just confirmed with Castles and Mill where an Overlord as Mill does not count as a Victory card in play for Grand Castle (game #2929 on frankfurt-test2).