Multiple Outposts/ Mission & Outpost

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On one turn, I played 3 Outposts. For the 2nd and 3rd Outposts played, the log displayed the text "Outpost fails because J has already played it." After 1 Outpost turn, I still should have had 2 Outposts in play, and so should only have drawn 3 cards, however I drew a hand of 5 cards. says that "playing multiple Outposts on a turn (or an Outpost during an Outpost or Mission turn, or a turn after being Possessed) will result in extra Outposts staying in play; only the Outpost that successfully gave you an extra turn gets discarded." but this did not occur.

Game #2151 on frankfurt-test2.

Similarly if you buy a Mission, then play an Outpost on your mission turn, you should only draw 3 cards next turn. But right now you draw 5.

Joining game #2153 on frankfurt-test2


Outpost functionality has been tweaked.  The 2nd and 3rd Outposts should be discarded at the end of your normal turn.  Outpost now reads "If this is the first time you played an Outpost this turn...", which means it does nothing if you've already played an Outpost, and gets discarded as if it weren't a Duration.

EDIT: I will update the wiki whenever the updated IRL Seaside rules gets released, or on January 1st, whichever comes sooner.


Quote from: werothegreat on 16 December 2016, 10:00:05 PM
Outpost functionality has been tweaked.  The 2nd and 3rd Outposts should be discarded at the end of your normal turn.  Outpost now reads "If this is the first time you played an Outpost this turn...", which means it does nothing if you've already played an Outpost, and gets discarded as if it weren't a Duration.

EDIT: I will update the wiki whenever the updated IRL Seaside rules gets released, or on January 1st, whichever comes sooner.
Ah okay, so for multiple Outposts it is implemented correctly according to the new wording?
Is there a new rule for if you play Outpost on a Mission turn? Otherwise that should still only draw 3 cards.


I think everything should be cleared up if you actually read the new text on Outpost. :)