Does a 'Resign' count as a win?

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A lot of the time people will resign once you start running away with a game. Does it count as a win if they rage resign on you?

Jacob Marley

Also, if you are clearly in a winning position, it may not be correct to think of it as a rage quit.  I often resign if I have no realistic chance, not out of anger, but just so that I can move on.


Quote from: Jacob Marley on 07 November 2017, 07:24:38 PM
Also, if you are clearly in a winning position, it may not be correct to think of it as a rage quit.  I often resign if I have no realistic chance, not out of anger, but just so that I can move on.

I also do that, but never without saying something in chat like "congrats, gg".
If someone resigns without saying anything and just leaves, I consider it impolite.
Fortunately it's quite rare, and I know it's not easy to chat on all devices.


And I think that it is rude and impolite to resign at all. If we are playing in person, face to face, I can understand it, but not only. Games online are short and if someone is loosing with a lot and can not catch up, that means that the game will finish in the next couple of rounds.

So what is the point to resign? To move on? I love Dominion and even when I am loosing, I want to give the deserved respect for the winner and wait until he finish the game.


People have different opinions about that. Even 'a couple of minutes' can feel long and drawn out if you are not going do to anything useful. Hey, many play online because they have a few minutes free time that they want to use for playing. What you call 'give the deserved respect for the winner', others call 'wasting everyone's time'.

I'm not saying you are wrong and if you behave as you said, then that's fine. But wondering why in an online game people don't want to sit it out until the bitter end seems a bit unrealistic.

Jacob Marley

Quote from: roshavi4ak on 09 November 2017, 01:18:32 PM
And I think that it is rude and impolite to resign at all. If we are playing in person, face to face, I can understand it, but not only. Games online are short and if someone is loosing with a lot and can not catch up, that means that the game will finish in the next couple of rounds.

So what is the point to resign? To move on? I love Dominion and even when I am loosing, I want to give the deserved respect for the winner and wait until he finish the game.

I feel just the opposite.  In person I would rarely resign, since setup takes a significant chunk of time and resigning feels like a waste of that time.  Online setup (and tear down) is instant, so I'm fine with resigning and moving on.  In fact, if I am clearly going to win, I'd rather my opponent resigns than taking extra time to play it out.

Also, I see face to face as very much a social activity, and resigning seems contrary to the social dynamic I like in FTF, whereas online is more of a competitive environment and resigning to start the next game is fine in that environment (IMHO).


Quote from: roshavi4ak on 09 November 2017, 01:18:32 PM
And I think that it is rude and impolite to resign at all. If we are playing in person, face to face, I can understand it, but not only. Games online are short and if someone is loosing with a lot and can not catch up, that means that the game will finish in the next couple of rounds.

So what is the point to resign? To move on? I love Dominion and even when I am loosing, I want to give the deserved respect for the winner and wait until he finish the game.

This is less true than I would like in many instances. :p
Maybe 25% of the time when I resign it's because I know the remainder of a losing game is going to take me at least 10 more minutes.


If someone resigns, for whatever reason (They know they lost and want to move on, the game is super spammy and they aren't enjoying it anymore, they have to go take a massive shit, their spouse is trying to talk to them and they cant focus on the game anymore, they don't like you, they accidentally hit the resign button... etc..) You have to remember that the person on the other end of the game is a human being with a life and reasons for doing whatever they do. Then you have to get the .... over it and move on. Really what the hell do you care you just won and get to go play another game now...? Why would you even want to play a game with another real person who doesn't want to be playing that game anymore anyway, are you some kinda sadistic asshole who likes to torture people? Heck, some times I'll be winning massively and wish the person would quit because its not fun for me when I know the outcome of a game, even if that outcome is that I will win...