Ability to only match with players who also have paid subscriptions

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I think it would be nice to have an advanced options checkbox, similar to "Wait For Expansions", that could be used to wait to only match with other players who have paid subscriptions. It could be called "Wait For Subscribers" or something like that. Obviously, it could only be used if you have a subscription.

Reason for this request: it seems all the worst chat offenders are free accounts, who just make new accounts every time they get banned. This would be a useful option to avoid them.


That sounds like a reasonable idea to me.  Another useful option would be 'Wait for friends' (with both options selected, oen would wait for friends or subscribers as opposed to waiting for subscribers who are friends),  I suspect that many of the players that have befriended me have done so because they are not subscribers but know that I am, but I'm quite happy to play against them again in the future because they have proved themselves to be civil opponents.