Player Order in New Interface

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With the way the player names rotate at the upper left of the screen, it is hard to keep track of who you follow. You have to keep looking at the log to remind yourself of which player you play after. It's kind of annoying to see the player order change as the current player's name is rotated to the top.

In the old interface it just went around like sitting at a table. Much easier to know when your turn was coming up.


I agree completely. How the new interface handles 3+ player games is why I haven't renewed my subscription and I would love feedback either from official sources on why this change was made or from any other players who use it and like it better.


I'll forward the remarks and ask what the supposed advantages of the new system are.


I wanna reprot the same impression with the new player order. In my view it creats chaos. If you could lock users at their order it would be much appreciated. Thanx


Thanks for the further comments, that helps establish that this is not an insolated opinion.


I've not played a 3-player game since the new interface came in, but the descriptions I've read of how it works have caused me to disable the 3-player option when I'm searching for a match.