Could you provide Korean language feature?

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A player enjoying Dominion in South Korea.
I enjoy playing Dominion offline more than online, but sometimes I also enjoy Dominion online when I play with my sister or friends out of town.
However, if Korean is supported, I think I will be able to play this game with more people.(There are quite a few board gamer users in Korea, too, so I think it can generate profits.)
I inquire if you can officially support the Korean language feature. If you wish, I can help with development or translation.


Translations are done/maintained by a group of volunteers. Starting a new language is a massive undertaking, with all the existing cards and the whole UI to be translated. A few players have given up somewhere on the road for their native language  :(

So I suggest you find another player who would be willing and able to partake in the translation effort. Multiple people working on it has the advantage that the personal workload is smaller, and it helps getting over periods when one person can't contribute much or at all because of outside issues.

Then I don't think there will be objections elsewhere to get a Korean translation started.