Feature Requests

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First off, I gotta say, I LOVE this implementation.  There is definitely room for improvement, but so far it is my favorite of all the online Dominion games I've played.

Additional Feature Requests:

Optional house rules
  - Option to generate at least one kingdom card that gives +2 (or more) actions
  - Option to generate at least one kingdom card that gives +1 buy
  - Option to generate at least one kingdom card that allows trashing
  - Option to use the "alchemy rule":  if one potion-costing card is randomly selected, require the kingdom set to have at least 2 or 3 potion-cost cards
  - Option to use the "properity rule":  increase the chances of adding colony and platinum based on how many prosperity cards are in the kingdom set.  I know the game currently has an option for the colony/platinum to be set as none, included, and random.  The prosperity rule weights the random selection to make it more likely if there are more prosperity cards in the set.


First off when you play a Quick Match the non-familiar cards do *not* work.  I just got a Possession while picking picking "Quick Match" which someone earlier said wasn't possible.  It would be nice to have a way to ban cards.

Starting first is an advantage.  Alternating who goes first based on who lost the last game helps even that out.  (even if you are playing a different opponent)  Phantom provinces/colonies really helps negate the starting first advantage.

Regarding phantom provinces, this is how they work: 
1. Everyone is guaranteed an equal number of turns.
2. So if player #1 buys the last province, then player #2 still gets a turn and they can buy a province still
even though the pile is empty.  (player #1 can buy as many provinces as they have money for and the same applies to player #2)
3. If player #2 buys the last province, then the game is over.

The reality is some people are too stuck on the rules here.  If Donald X changes the rules next time he puts out a new Dominion set to have phantom provinces and alternate who goes first based on who lost last, then everyone would be like great that is in official Dominion rules, let's do it. 

The fact is that I am not asking that everyone play this way, just have it as an option.  Isotropic had the alternating who goes first option built in and I think that was by far the best Dominion online implementation we have had so far.  (no offense the Shuffle iT guys)  It is frustrating that paid versions of Dominion are unwilling or not able to match the free version of this game.  Hopefully the Shuffle iT version will be better than Isotropic someday.

We really, really need player ratings.  (I know someone said that we will have it in two weeks)  I keep getting stuck playing people that don't even know the cards and they play really slow.  (and play poorly)
Isotropic was awesome at matching you with players of even ability.  (if you wanted)


Also it would be nice to see what duration cards are in play.  Maybe there is a way to see this, but I haven't found it other than looking at the log.

Can we please have a better way to play the tunnels?  Right now you have to click a tiny link in the game log to show that you have a tunnel when discarding it.


Quote from: mrfiat on 08 January 2017, 12:31:05 PM
Also it would be nice to see what duration cards are in play.  Maybe there is a way to see this, but I haven't found it other than looking at the log.

Mouse over/click the player name you want to see that cards he has in play when it's not his turn (same as mat view)


Quote from: mrfiat on 08 January 2017, 12:20:04 PM
The fact is that I am not asking that everyone play this way, just have it as an option.

You know what -- Silver is OP. It should cost 4 instead. I'm not saying you have to play that way, but there should be an option so that I can.


Quote from: mrfiat on 08 January 2017, 12:20:04 PM
We really, really need player ratings.  (I know someone said that we will have it in two weeks)  I keep getting stuck playing people that don't even know the cards and they play really slow.  (and play poorly)
Isotropic was awesome at matching you with players of even ability.  (if you wanted)

I believe that good match currently takes ratings into account, you just can't see your rating.