Refresh breaks every game, now server connection was closed.....

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Since Monday with the new kingdom (which is great by the way), every time I refresh, I have a 75% chance of stalling and never being able to reconnect to my game. It just says loading game. It rarely gets back to the "you've been trying to reconnect x number of times, do you still want to reconnect". It just sits on the log-in screen as if nothing is happening.

I chatted to someone else and they said the same thing is happening to them . Huge issues if you refresh during the game.

There have been lots of disconnects during the games and a message of "Warning: possibly lost connection with gameserver." (that message in red that appears). This usually lets me know I need to refresh. But then I am stuck forever.

It just let me back in after 3 minutes of sitting there doing nothing on the home screen and I immediately got "Warning: possibly lost connection with gameserver." again. Game number #149192474

Now I can't in at all