Personal note about card levels and expansion (please ignore)

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Base        26/26
Intrigue    26/26
Seaside      27/27
Alchemy      12/12
Prosperity  25/25
Cornucopia & Guilds    19/26  (Coffers)
Hinterlands  26/26
Dark Ages    35/35       
Adventures  25/30          (Adventures tokens)
Empires      24/24
Nocturne    19/33          (Boons & Hexes)
Renaissance  12/25          (Coffers, Villagers, Artifacts)
Menagerie    30/30
Allies      22/31          (Favors)
Plunder      40/40
Promos      10/10

Total      378/426

🙁(Coffers, Villagers, Adventure tokens)
🤬(Boons & Hexes, Artifacts, Favors)


Level1 (26)

Base (26)


Level2 (52)

Intrigue : Courtyard, Masquerade, Shanty Town, Swindler, Conspirator, Minion, Patrol, Replace, Trading Post, Upgrade (10)

Seaside : Lookout, Sea Chart, Warehouse, Cutpurse, Salvager, Treasure Map, Bazaar (7)

Prosperity : Worker's Village, Magnate, Expand (3)

Cornucopia & Guilds : Hamlet, Menagerie, Remake, Carnival, Hunting Party, Jester, Soothsayer (7)

Hinterlands : Oasis, Cartographer, Stables, Wheelwright, Witch's Hut (5)

Dark Ages : Sage, Storeroom, Armory, Scavenger, Wandering Minstrel, Junk Dealer, Altar (7)

Nocturne : Tragic Hero (1)

Renaissance : Mountain Village, Old Witch, Scholar, Seer (4)

Allies : Sentinel, Courier, Barbarian, Hunter, Marquis (5)

Plunder : Fortune Hunter, Pilgrim (2)

Promos : Dismantle (1)


Level3 (62)

Intrigue : Pawn, Steward, Wishing Well, Baron, Mill, Mining Village, Secret Passage, Duke, Torturer, Farm, Nobles (11)

Seaside : Haven, Astrolabe, Fishing Village, Smugglers, Caravan, Tide Pools, Merchant Ship, Sea Witch, Tactician, Wharf (10)

Prosperity : Anvil, Crystal Ball, War Chest, Bank (4)

Cornucopia & Guilds : Shop, Advisor, Journeyman, Fairgrounds (4)

Hinterlands : Fool's Gold, Spice Merchant (2)

Dark Ages : Counterfeit, Mystic (2)

Adventures : Amulet, Dungeon, Gear, Magpie, Treasure Trove (5)

Empires : Archive (1)

Nocturne : Conclave (1)

Renaissance : Research (1)

Menagerie : Barge, Hunting Lodge, Mastermind (3)

Allies : Carpenter, Innkeeper, Royal Galley, Town, Capital City, Modify, Specialist (7)

Plunder : Cabin Boy, Crew, Crucible, Enlarge, Grotto, King's Cache, Longship, Rope, Silver Mine, Wealthy Village (10)

Promos : Envoy (1)


Level4 (47)

Intrigue : Ironworks (1)

Seaside : Outpost (1)

Prosperity : Bishop, Investment, Monument, Mint, Rabble (5)

Cornucopia & Guilds : Farmhands (1)

Hinterlands : Nomads, Berserker, Inn, Margrave, Border Village, Farmland (6)

Dark Ages : Squire, Market Square, Feodum, Fortress, Ironmonger, Rats, Catacombs, Hunting Grounds ( 8 )

Adventures : Messenger, Port, Artificer, Lost City (4)

Empires : Chariot Race, Farmers' Market, Sacrifice, Temple, Forum, Groundskeeper, Wild Hunt (7)

Renaissance : Experiment, Hideout (2)

Menagerie : Kiln (1)

Allies : Galleria, Swap (2)

Plunder : Buried Treasure, Figurine, First Mate, Gondola, Siren, Swamp Shacks, Tools (7)

Promos : Church, Marchland (2)




2024 : List of easier cards

Alchemy                  -11 (potion)                  ->  1/12
Prosperity              -3  (collection, king's court, war chest)  ->  22/25
Cornucopia & Guilds      -4  (overpay)                  ->  15/26

Empires                    -15  (vp token, debt)        ->  9/24
Menagerie                  -17  (horses, exile, mastermind) -> 13/30
Plunder                    -40  (haven't learnt)        ->  0/40
Promos                -3 (command, black market*)              -> 7/10

cards learnt  :  181/285. //

level1 (26) + level2 (52) + level3 (62)  - war chest (1) - mastermind (1) - pluder (10) + rest of intrigue (5) + rest of seaside (10)  + some rest of prosperity (16) + rest of hinterlands [preview] (19) + rest of promos (3) =  181.

378-difficult cards = 285.