Re: Subscription pricing & structure

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If this is the announcement you're talking about:

then the promise sort of implies an obligation, though part of that obligation involved an end-user choice. When one option wasn't available, the other option was given as a tide-over.

Anyways, I am looking forward to an offline version since my lifestyle makes playing with real people mostly non-viable. Most of the time, I either 1) don't have time to wait for actual people to play (a bot game goes a lot more quickly than a people game), or 2) need to occasionally wander away from my keyboard for a while (which would bother people but not bots). When the time comes, I would like to get some of the stuff that's newer than anything I had on MF's version. I would just like an update on when that time might come.

Linda B

Note that there is a reply to some of the concerns in THIS topic in another topic called "feedback, Dominion Offline & free subscriptions for old MF users" -- and that that topic has a time-sensitive offer in it.



I didn't see the other thread offering an extension until after it was locked. But for what it's worth:

1. I will not ever pay a monthly subscription fee to pay this game. And honestly playing on the base set is boring for me and the group I play with, so I'm unlikely to play online at all. I was happy to pay ~$60 as a one time fee, and to pay extra as new expansions came out, and disappointed that lifetime fee expired.

2. The only need I have for the game is decent online play with friends. I don't care about art / animations, or offline, or bots, or anything else. Honestly the current version doesn't work as well for me as the old goko version, which worked less well than the isotropic version. There's an issue where cards at the bottom get cut off for me, but it's workable.

Anyway, if the subscription model changes, I would consider paying again although I probably wouldn't buy all expansions since I've already paid once. I'm not sure if that feedback is relevant or not, but I thought I'd share just in case. I'm username jaundice in the game.


This post does not reflect the current pricing (with Nocturne I think):

The post says that Gold subscriptions cost 3.10 Euros and the client correctly says it's 3.45


So I guess everyone is ok with this post just being wrong?

You know I don't just come here to complain. Someone just told me about a bad experience they had where they read that post, then had a nasty surprise when the client asked for more money with no explanation, and I thought maybe someone back there cared about potential new users enough to take ten seconds and change two numbers.

I guess I shouldn't have been so stupid.


No, it's a good point you made. Also, I think it is always a good idea to mention when some post is caused by such an experience you (or someone else) had. I know that in theory it shouldn't matter, but in practice I think it does.

I added a new post to that thread, with current € values. If someone can give me the actual $ values used, I'll add them as well (I prefer to use the actual values used by the service, if possible, instead of exchange rates that may miss some fees).


Thanks for updating.

Quote from: Ingix on 08 July 2018, 08:49:18 PM
I think it is always a good idea to mention when some post is caused by such an experience you (or someone else) had.

I agree with this. I used to say this when I posted back in the day but people would accuse me of making up people and stories so I could push features I wanted. So I gave up


Quote from: Ingix on 08 July 2018, 08:49:18 PM
I added a new post to that thread, with current € values. If someone can give me the actual $ values used, I'll add them as well (I prefer to use the actual values used by the service, if possible, instead of exchange rates that may miss some fees).
I thought euros were indeed the currency in which subscriptions were priced, i.e. the prices in any other currency are variable, dependent on current exchange rates.


Yes, I assume any additional fees would come from the exact payment method chosen and can't be generalized. I'll add the US$ values based on EUR:USD = 1.20 which seems reasonable value for the last year.


Hello, I'm trying to subscribe but I just get a screen saying I'm being redirected and then nothing happens. Help! Thanks, KXJ



sorry for the late reply, I was away over the weekend.

Does the problem still persist for you (I just was successfully redicteted to the payment provider)? Sometimes/rarely there are problems of the kind you described, but they are usually shortlived. If they still exist for you, what country are you in?