Should be able to discard fewer cards with Hamlet without sending a cancel

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You really should be able to change your mind between Hamlet's discard modes (Discard Both, Discard for Buy, Discard for Action) without sending an undo request to the other player.


as far as i know the auto-undo when no new information is revealed is already on their priority list, and will also cover this.


I've mentioned this before:

what Hamlet does in the interface doesn't match what the card actually does. The problem here is that someone who isn't intimately familiar with Dominion is going to read the card and think something like this.

Play Hamlet. OK I got my card and action. What is next?

You may discard a card for +1 Action. OK I'll do that. Discard for an Action, I press that button, now I discard for and Action. Now what's next?

You may discard a card for +1 Buy. OK I'll do that. Wait, why can't I do that?

The answer is because you needed to click "discard for both" at the very start. Yeah I get this might be the best interface for overall click efficiency but man that does not matter in the slightest. People who care about this kind of thing will get used to whatever interface there is while people who are learning the client will be really turned off by it. Undo is nice but the interface should be intuitive and work the first time.

If there's a way to have the default case be to not discard anything (with a passive prompt that lets you discard if you want) and also have the prompts actually line up with what's on the card, then yeah that's totally what should be done -- and I think there is. If you discard for an Action then when you're done you should still get the option to discard for a buy. And sure you can leave the "both" button up there, it's not hurting anything (if you click Both and decide against discarding for a Buy you should be able to do that too).

But the Making Fun interface, as much as it encouraged some misclicks, was better than what there is currently, because at least it did what the card said to do and it made sense to everyone what was going on.