[German translation] Collection of issues

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I got it wrong when I explained it - it only occurs when you move stuff from (from and with are good indicator for "Dativ", apparently) to something I think. (I'm a very heavy post re-editor ;))


Quote from: assemble_me on 31 March 2017, 07:56:19 AM
We never have nominative case since that would mean the card/event would be the subject which never happens in any occasion I've noticed.

The problem I noticed was not in a log sentence but in the end game screen, where the VP details are shown. It was for some landmark that counted some cards, I forgot which one (Mea Culpa :-[), where I encounterd "einen Weinhändler", which, in that place, should have been nominative.

Quote from: assemble_me on 31 March 2017, 07:56:19 AM
As said, we're already on it and hopefully many occasions are fixed with the next release(s).

Again I'm impressed by the translation work. If there is anything I can do to help/assist, feel free ask!


Quote from: Ingix on 31 March 2017, 03:19:15 PM
The problem I noticed was not in a log sentence but in the end game screen, where the VP details are shown. It was for some landmark that counted some cards, I forgot which one (Mea Culpa :-[), where I encounterd "einen Weinhändler", which, in that place, should have been nominative.

It happens when you play Wolf Den / Wolfsbau... I now made this a complete sentence instead of just listing the cards...


The current release should solve all issues noted except for the Wolf Den one.

However, I think we fixed (hopefully all, at least most of) the "dem" vs "den" things, and even that:





Here are two problems with Lurker.

In the log and the command box in the middle (which contains actions, buys etc.) Lurker is translated as Schleicher, while the card says Herumtreiberin.

In addition to that, when playing Lurker, the command box says "Wen du den Schleicher spielst", which should be  "Wenn..." as it is in the log. To be honest, I'm not even sure if that sentence makes any sense here without the second one (from the log: "Du darfst eine Aktionskarte aus dem Vorrat entsorgen.").


Maybe take a look at all the cards that have card titles with plurals. At the moment I'm playing with Ratten/Rats and the log says "I nimmt eine Ratten" and the central info-panel (1 action, 1 buy...) says "Du nimmst eine Ratten".

Add: Even the on screen card text says "Nimm dir eine Ratten".


I tried to play in German (I am a native speaker), but I was so confused and had a hard time figuring out which cards were what. Obviously I am not able to fully understand the English names of the cards.

Anyway why are we using English in this thread? Seems to add some extra difficulty.


The main language of the forum is English. It could be considered rude to have a thread in German. Maybe it would be okay in this case, though...

I think I had already fixed many of the card names in the log where the card names are plural, but Rats was one I missed, so I fixed that among with the card text.

"Schleicher" was my first attempt at translating the card before I had the original name. Apparently I didn't check all occurrences.


I just looked at the American Rats card on ds and it says in the original "Gain a Rats". I have no idea how that grammatical incorrectness (if it is any) is perceived by native speakers. It's obvious that it talks about a Rats card, but in German, at least to my understanding "Nimm eine Ratten" just sounds wrong.

Martin plays Piano

Why not taking the original text from the German paper card version for "Rats" ?

"Nimm dir eine Ratten-Karte. Entsorge eine Karte aus deiner Hand, die keine Ratten-Karte ist. (Decke deine Handkarten auf, wenn du nur Ratten auf der Hand hast). ----  Wenn Du diese Karte entsorgst +1 Karte.


The shown card text for German Ratten/Rats has a small problem (1.2.2), probably from the latest edit, which corrected the "eine Ratten"-issue :). It now reads

...Entsorge eine Nicht-Ratten-Karte Entsorge deiner Hand (oder decke...)

The marked word should be "aus" instead.

Martin plays Piano

I did some extra work to check the German text written on the kingdom cards - mostly only little typos, but this should be corrected in one of the next releases to leave back a more professional impression for the translation.

Current fault in bold / correction is underlined

Maskerade (Masquerade) - keine Karten auf der Karten auf der Handkeine Karten auf der Hand

Trickser (Swindler) - Jeder andere SpielernJeder andere Spieler

Verwandlung (Transmute) - Entsorge einer KarteEntsorge eine Karte

Quacksalber (Mountebank)- Jeder andere SpielernJeder andere Spieler

Wegkreuzung (Crossroads) - pro aufdeckter Punktekartepro aufgedeckter Punktekarte

Orakel (Oracle) - die obersten beiden Kartedie obersten beiden Karten

Graf (Count) - oder lege eine Handkartenoder lege eine Handkarte

Marktplatz (Market Place) - MarkplatzMarktplatz (falscher Kartentitel)

Raubzug (Pillage) - Nimm Dir 2 Beuten vom Beute-StapelNimm dir 2 Karten vom Beute-Stapel (Plural von Beute existiert nicht im Deutschen)

Ratten (Rats) (bitte Text von der deutschen Papierversion übernehmen)
Nimm dir eine Ratten-Karte. Entsorge eine Karte aus deiner Hand, die keine Ratten-Karte ist. (Decke deine Handkarten auf, wenn du nur Ratten auf der Hand hast). ----  Wenn Du diese Karte entsorgst +1 Karte.

Kunsthandwerker (Artificer) - Nachziehstapel nehmen, die die genauNachziehstapel nehmen, die genau

Ausrüstung (Gear) - Lege bis zu zwei KarteLege bis zu zwei Karten

Elster (Magpie) - Karte deines Nachziehstapel aufKarte deines Nachziehstapels auf

Kurier (Messenger) - Wenn dieses der erster KaufWenn dieses der erste Kauf

Wanderzirkus (Travelling Fair) - Wenn in diesem Zug eine Karte nimmstWenn du in diesem Zug eine Karte nimmst

Stadtviertel (City Quarter) - Pro aufgeckter Aktionskartepro aufgedeckter Aktionskarte

Zauberin (Enchantress) - jedes anderer Spielersjedes anderen Spielers

Ingenieurin (Engineer) - Du darfst die Ingeneurin entsorgenDu darfst die Ingenieurin entsorgen


In the game log, Possession turns are still marked with [Possession], not Besessenheit. I assume the same is true for other etxra turn cards.