Missing the most: April edition

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1. touchscreen friendlier - in particular make reordering possible on chrome browser on Android
2. notification when I need to act
3, better AI


Donald X.

1. AI. I'm rarely interested in playing computer games against live opponents. For me, while the AI is trashing Provinces, there's no game yet.
2. Not needing to use the log at all to play the game. Both not needing to click on it ever, and not needing to look at it ever to see what your opponent did, unless of course you want to remember earlier turns.
3. Visibility of duration attacks and reserves and mats and everything like that that's missing. Since I'm not playing I don't see these missing features, but I see them on these other lists, and well man, we are talking basic essentials here.

The offline version is a pretty significant feature promised to players. As the guy it looms large for me, though as a player I wouldn't personally use it. The tables could trivially be way better; a nice thing to prioritize in terms of how much better things are for how much effort you put in.


Listed somewhat in order of priority:

1) Visual cues: duration attack signifiers, opponent gain animations, better reserve interface, more obvious signal that you/opponent have durations/reserves/native village stuff in play/set aside land
2) Audio cues: ping me when I have to do something so I can come back if I've tabbed out during a long turn, have some way to turn this and other noises off
3) Campaigns: these don't even need to release all at once, you could pop out, say, just the base campaign and say the rest are coming later
4) Prettifying: make this look more like an actual professional game, and less like a school project - more art assets on the main screen, fewer white boxes with white text - it doesn't have to be Hearthstone, but at least aim for something like War for Omens or something


1.  Visual and sound notification that it's my turn/action.
2.  Visual alert for each item bought by opponent on his turn.
3.  Visual and sound notification that it's my turn/action. (because I *really* want this one) :-)


1. Better use of screen real estate, maybe configurable by player. This could then allow showing Tavern Mat/Duration cards at all times. For example, the standard Copper/Silver/Gold/Estate/Duchy/Province piles could be made smaller, IMO. Another option would be to use the space now taken up by the log to show Trash/Tavern Mat/Duration cards and only switch to the log only if necessary (because some UI is there), or because the player wants to see the log.

2. Start thinking about/test implementing specific mobile clients. Optimized UI for them could create a big increase in usability. General mobile internet use is really big and a quick game against AI or another player would be welcome for many commuters who don't have to drive themselves.

3. Improve AI, at least in the sense that it doesn't do really stupid things with certain cards.


1: Better AI. Some time spent fixing up all the dumb mistakes (trashing provinces for example) would be much appreciated.

2: Apps. A long way off but still very much wanted.


1. attention notifications (when it's my turn or when the game is waiting on me to decide something)
2. Not needing to click in the log
3. Notification when the browser can't connect to the server (e.g. wifi is down)
4. touch screen


1) Automaticaly pick server with best latency for the player hosting the game

2) Fixing reorder in Chrome on Android tablet.

Thank you for adding both of my most missing features from the March edition :)

Martin plays Piano

Support for multi player games
- match button to find 3-4P games (similar to the 2P buttons)
- better friend's overview with their current status (logged in / waiting / playing / spectating)
  (regardless the status one should be able to chat with friends to make appointments)

Game tracer
- graphical log instead of text with cards gained, bought, trashed etc.
- player cockpit with set-aside cards, mats, durations, optional acustic alerts etc.

Attractiveness and game design
- current layout is more technical and functional rather than being fascinating, smooth and sexy
- game attracts more the experienced players rather than casual ones or newbies
- more communication and marketing to the community to get their buy-in for 2018

Thx for the leaderboard

Have fun


Taking into consideration the perceived benefit / ease of implementation ratio:

1) Notification that it is my turn to act. Ping sound (if desired). Browser tab flash.
2) Visual displays of -Card/Coin tokens and Duration attacks.
3) Display bottom card in Empires split-card piles.
4) Remove "pretend to think" (on Gladiator, not sure what else has it) - when autoplay features are implemented later, add it as an option that can be toggled on.


  • A comfortable way to find and review an old game. Minimum: LogPrettifier. Optimum: full graphical spectate where you have buttons for "next turn"/"previous turn" (and maybe another one for "play from here").
  • Permanent indication of oponent's duration attacks in play and -1 card/coin token.
  • Setting for automatic Undo permission if no new information.
This is only my personal wish list, however. As "most important for casual players" I would rank

  • Possibility to play without the log, i.e. visualize everything + buttons instead of clickable links + permanent indication of oponent's duration attacks in play and -1 card/coin token.
  • A reasonable AI.
  • 3p/4p matching.
Even more important from a business perspective might be dedicated apps for iOS & Android - you want to be in these stores! I'm afraid that these apps would need to include offline play in order to be successful, so they might actually not add much to the online player base. But maybe they double it, that would be nice, wouldn't it?


1. Clearer feedback regarding what has happened on an opponent's play (without having to read the log). Much of this could be done with deliberate interface (parade of cards like you have with Hunting Party). E.g., for Giant, reveal two cards. Pause. Trash one (red outline then move to trash pile). Discard the other (yellow outline then move to discard).
2. Better, more varied AI.
3. Stash. Just kidding. Stash is terrible. I haven't missed it.
3. Better mobile interface (bot games on the train would make me happier).

Burning Skull

  • Personal blacklist
  • ding-dong you are being militia'd
  • -Card/-Coin tokens visibility


1) Notification (audible) when I need to act. Too often I find that my opponent is waiting for me.
2) Missing/Hidden information.
   - The cards in non identical piles (Knights, Ruins, Split piles including Castles). Looking for external information is a real problem.
   - Opponent's duration attacks.
   - Minor other issues, such as the card saved with Haven.
3) Undo when no new information revealed. It drives me crazy when an opponent will not allow undo of a misclick, more than rudeness or even slowplaying. Black listing will probably help there too, but I still would like to have that undo.


1. Offline App
2. better AI
3. At the end game screen: always show set Kingdom Card (also when it is random choose),  list of card in player deck.