Hanging with Lord Rat

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Over the past week or two I've had several games that hung at the beginning of the game, usually on "Hanging with Lord Rattington" but not always. This most recently occurred with game# 2788251 on tokyo. The browser console data:

TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined  dominion-webclient-body-1.2.3.min.js:50:5017
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://sentry.io/api/108704/store/?sentry_version=7&sentry_client=raven-js%2F3.7.0&sentry_key=83fd16994c554fff9e15a37c3381aef4. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).  (unknown)

Using win10 desktop/Firefox 52.0.2. When I close the tab and reconnect the game loads and works fine.


Just happened again, game #2801959, browser console:

TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined  dominion-webclient-body-1.2.3.min.js:50:5017


It looks like there are several problems here, but none related to the actual game.

Both games ended on a regular 3-pile; the first by you buying the last estate; the second by you buying the last workers village. The gameserver successfully reported the end-of-game back to the metaserver, and then the metaserver tried to report this to you.

My guess is that you somehow lost connection to the metaserver while still having connection to the gameserver. I've heard more people with this problem. One thing we can easily "fix" is to let the gameserver inform you the game is over. Then at least you can get a screen like "Game finished, loading end-of-game screen" and you'd know something is wrong with that instead of the game.

I think the sentry-problem you reported is unrelated, but I will have to ask Philip.


Thanks. I'm not sure if this means anything, but it seems the problem occurs more often when I click "Ready" for a new game immediately when the game summary page appears as opposed to waiting.


Still happening occasionally, most recently when loading game #2919765. Browser console:

SHIELD active  selfrepair.8d056d434484b1d6ae51.js:9:8032
A promise chain failed to handle a rejection. Did you forget to '.catch', or did you forget to 'return'?
See https://developer.mozilla.org/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Promise.jsm/Promise

Date: Tue Apr 18 2017 22:37:35 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time)
Full Message: Error: page-thumbnail:error
Full Stack: observe@resource://gre/modules/BackgroundPageThumbs.jsm:116:22
TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined  dominion-webclient-body-1.2.3.min.js:50:5017

While I had hoped you'd been able to fix the issue upon your last reply and so I didn't bother to clarify further, as pertains to:

Quote from: Stef on 14 April 2017, 06:14:55 PM
One thing we can easily "fix" is to let the gameserver inform you the game is over. Then at least you can get a screen like "Game finished, loading end-of-game screen" and you'd know something is wrong with that instead of the game.
being informed the previous game was over was never the issue. The end-of-game screen always loaded normally, which is the only way I could click "Ready" and proceed to the next game. Also of note: this was never an issue for months (never, not even a single time), until sometime around April 1 give or take a week or so, so it seems logical to conclude that there has to have been an error/coding issue/browser interaction change introduced somewhere. The one constant I've noticed in all the browser console outputs I've looked at is the statement "TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined..." appears every time, so that seems to be a logical place to start. (I'm thinking maybe the stored question(?) "It's your buy phase, you may..." didn't load so the program couldn't proceed past "Waiting for Lord Rattington" -- but that's just a completely wild guess.) Thanks and good luck.


Quote from: JKRich on 19 April 2017, 07:15:54 AM
The one constant I've noticed in all the browser console outputs I've looked at is the statement "TypeError: N.storedQuestions[T] is undefined..." appears every time, so that seems to be a logical place to start.

Yes, that indeed appears to be the problem. I'm looking into it.