Latest annoyance around the perennial "play faster" request

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Professor Yes

Hi... this has been a problem that has plagued online dominion since the isotropic days, and through all incarnations since.  Occasionally a player angrily requests that I "play faster".  This happened most recently just now vs. username redacted

I was not intentionally playing slow, I was merely taking what probably amounted to 15 seconds to consider possible lines of play.  I had been dealt a 5/2 split for a fairly complicated board where I think the 4/3 split would have been better.  I'm an hugely experienced player but was not immediately sure what the correct move was—indeed that an experience player can still face such uncertainty is one of the reasons I've been enjoying this game for so many years.  Anyway, in this short amount of time that I was thinking for, redacted entered into chat "play faster please".  I went to type a response along the lines of "I'm focused, I just need a few seconds to consider possible lines of play please", but before I could even type that out they resigned.  Accompanying their resignation was another message in chat to effect of that they were blacklisting me.

Now, frankly, I'm thrilled if I never have to play against someone so grumpy and impatient as this person clearly was.  I just wanted to open this topic, and get my version of the story in writing for two reasons 1.) to facilitate, if anyone else is interested, a discussion around when/if ever it is appropriate to request that your opponent plays faster, and 2.) provide a reference for the mods if they investigate why redacted and I blacklisted each other, for I strongly believe that my conduct was not at all inappropriate.

As regards reason 1: I understand that sometimes people intentionally play slow, and I like so many other, find that annoying also. I don't ever intentionally play slow.  But surely 15-30 seconds can be considered a reasonable amount of time to think about a turn, yes? Maybe sometimes even a whole minute? Especially at the start of the game, for as we all know the first moves are often the most important. 

Jacob Marley

There is a distinct difference between playing slow, where a player takes time to think, and slow-rolling, which is slowness for the sake of trying to anger the opponent or force him to quit.  The latter is unacceptable, the former is not.

I often take time to think out a move, and occasionally get a play faster request.  I generally just ignore it.  If they want to resign and blacklist me, that's on them and I won't worry about it. 

I'm also not concerned about being banned.  The mods are smart enough to distinguish between taking time to think and trolling. 

When there is a long pause in the other persons play, I will occasionally ask "you there?"

So don't let these people bother you and certainly don't let them rush you.

Professor Yes

Thanks for the encouraging words.  I'll know to just not let it get to me in the future.  Also, thanks to whoever redacted my opponent's name, I should've known better than to put that specific info in the first place and I'll be sure not to if I ever am voicing frustrations again.


To whom it may concern..

I just got out from a game with an unusually unpleasant opponent.
Apparently he thought I was playing slow, which wasn´t really the case.

Clearly it would be no loss if such gamers where banned.

Cut and paste the log/message board here:

redacted joined the table.
Joining game #6982706 on frankfurt.
redacted :  ...................................
ppolfeldt:  ..................................Another? [I was ahead]
ppolfeldt:  4 gms whos the moron, and btw that tone aint fit for this forum/site..[Great turn w remake: 2 Avantos for 2 Grand Markets + 12 coin and 2 more gms., cycling my deck every turn w/o the avantos anyway]
redacted :  FUCK U LOOSER
redacted :  STUPID IDIOT
redacted :  christ what a moron
redacted :  faster
redacted :  gaylord
redacted :  STUPID
redacted :  prick
redacted left the table.



Thank you for this thread.  I've been frustrated also by pressure from impatient "fast players".  Perhaps this pattern deserves a broadcast message similar to the one sent a while back about the problem with "slow players", to remind the broader community there is nothing wrong with taking 15-30 seconds in particular for the first couple of turns.


Generally people who want to rush through a game really don't understand well played games. This was something I had to learn myself. I've never had a well ranked player push me, it's always the lower ranked players.

Mike Thicke

Yeah, this used to happen to me all the time. Interestingly, now that I play slightly higher level players on average, I almost never get this complaint.


Some people on here do actually play fast and they prefer to play other people that play fast.  Unfortunately there not currently an option on here to match with faster players so the only option is to blacklist them.  That would sure be a nice feature though.  This is casual play, so I see nothing wrong with asking someone to play faster.  If it was a tournament then I would expect my opponent to take their time. 

My 2 cents.


Quote from: irata on 24 October 2017, 03:06:01 PM
Some people on here do actually play fast and they prefer to play other people that play fast...This is casual play, so I see nothing wrong with asking someone to play faster...My 2 cents.

Couldn't disagree more. Asking someone to play faster is in effect complaining about how they are playing. People don't play Dominion to be complained about (except for trolls). A superior response would be to ask "Is this your normal pace of play?" Then if they reply "Yes, why?" you could respond "No problem, I just prefer to play at a faster pace.", then blacklist them after the game. This way you'd be simply stating a personal preference instead of complaining. Asking someone to play faster (or slower, just the same) is bad sportsmanship, period.

Jacob Marley

Quote from: JKRich on 24 October 2017, 05:15:00 PM
Quote from: irata on 24 October 2017, 03:06:01 PM
Some people on here do actually play fast and they prefer to play other people that play fast...This is casual play, so I see nothing wrong with asking someone to play faster...My 2 cents.

Couldn't disagree more. Asking someone to play faster is in effect complaining about how they are playing. People don't play Dominion to be complained about (except for trolls). A superior response would be to ask "Is this your normal pace of play?" Then if they reply "Yes, why?" you could respond "No problem, I just prefer to play at a faster pace.", then blacklist them after the game. This way you'd be simply stating a personal preference instead of complaining. Asking someone to play faster (or slower, just the same) is bad sportsmanship, period.

JKRich is correct.  The "play faster" message by nature communicates annoyance and creates an emotionally hostile environment.


Sorry, I don't think people should have to change what they are saying just to be PC.  You are basically saying say the same thing but say it in a nicer more drawn out way so people don't get their feathers ruffled as much...   I think that is a great thing to do if you are a politician, but most of us aren't on here.

Or the online game designers could solve the whole problem by adding an option to select faster play as your preference.


Problem is, what one player considers fast is another player's slow. You then need 3-4 levels of fast (or slow), ... It always drags on until you have only 3 other players who share exactly the same kind of game you like, and then you find you live in very different time zones,...


Quote from: mrfiat on 25 October 2017, 12:12:12 AM
Sorry, I don't think people should have to change what they are saying just to be PC.  You are basically saying say the same thing but say it in a nicer more drawn out way so people don't get their feathers ruffled as much...   I think that is a great thing to do if you are a politician, but most of us aren't on here.

Or the online game designers could solve the whole problem by adding an option to select faster play as your preference.

Really? Absolutely people should moderate how they speak to others - if they care about being civil, and being an opponent who people enjoy playing against. And *of course* you can say the same thing in a more drawn out way to avoid ruffling feathers - it's called being polite! It's effective communication with other people who aren't just there to receive *your* precious wisdom about how you'd like to play, but also to play and enjoy it themselves. You'll find people respond much better if you choose your words with consideration.

You don't have to be a politician, just a person who cares about communicating politely.


Mike Thicke

Quote from: blamelewis on 25 October 2017, 12:53:39 AM
You don't have to be a politician, just a person who cares about communicating politely.
