Problem after Golem draws Shepherd and Skulk

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I've just had a game in which my opponent was unable to do anything after playing Shepherd and Skulk as a result of a Golem.  The game number was 8120244.  We're both going to post screenshots.


Here's my screenshot.  It's probably not useful as it merely shows that I was waiting for my opponent, but I include it for completeness.


Here is my screen. I wasn't able to left-click on anything.


Thanks for posting the bug report, especially including the screenshots from both sides.  ;D

Just one question: Did you use "undo" at that point to try to get out of the problem?

I'm looking into this,



Yes, we tried Undo.  On the first attempt my opponent simply tried doing exactly the same as before and (perhaps not surprisingly) found himself stuck in exactly the same way.  Then we tried backing up far enough that he could reverse the order in which Golem played the two cards.  Once again he got stuck, though I can't remember whether it was immediately after Shepherd had been played or only after Golem had also played Skulk.  We didn't try backing up even further.

I can't remember for certain whether we'd had a previous occurrence of Golem playing Shepherd.  I have a vague recollection that that had indeed happened on one occasion when I played a Golem, thoigh I can't be sure as all I can remember for certain is that I played a Golem and was relieved when one of the cards it played had +1 Action.


Thanks for the reply, your answer confirmed my 'suspicion' and the reason I asked. Your screenshots both showed that Skulk had been played first, Shephard second. When I reloaded, it was the other way around.

Turns out exactly two of the 12 hexes trigger that behaviour, that's why it isn't that common a problem, and you were unlucky for Skulk to hit one of them.