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Is Gladiator slated for Autoplay implementation?


Quote from: Toshimo on 27 November 2017, 09:31:42 PM
Is Gladiator slated for Autoplay implementation?

Now that I've had a taste of Autoplay, I find myself right-clicking on tons of different cards trying to turn it on. "Okay, I'm done trashing for this game, let's set my Sauna/Silver interaction to never trash."


Agreed, a Sauna "never-trash" autoplay would be really nice.



Quote from: allanfieldhouse on 18 December 2017, 06:01:59 PM
Now that I've had a taste of Autoplay, I find myself right-clicking on tons of different cards trying to turn it on.
I was really sad when there was no "take all copper" autoplay for the counting house!


Still hoping for "next level" Autoplay where the first Hero can be automatically exchanged for a Champion, but subsequent Heroes can be automatically be kept as is. There are a few scenarios where one might want to exchange a 2nd Hero for a Champion (Diadem, Wolf Den, not wanting to gain any more treasures) but the vast majority of the time Hero will be a "Default Exchange Once, then Keep" type of card, as will Disciple.


I usually set the autoplay for Warrior to "Keep" once the first has been promoted to Hero.


My problem occurs when I want a Hero and a Champion (and possibly Warriors, too) but forget to set Hero to Default Keep after getting one and end up getting 2 Champions. I do change Warrior to Default Keep when I know I'm done exchanging them. In the absence of what I suggested I personally wish the default Autoplay option for Hero was Off. Of course I like and usually play Colony games (because of how I learned the game IRL), so Hero has more value to me than someone usually playing Province games which is I'm sure why the options default as they do.


The default option for Hero is off. The default option when you selected "All convenient" is on, but you can change that as you wish for each card.


Quote from: markus on 07 April 2018, 11:12:48 AM
The default option for Hero is off. The default option when you selected "All convenient" is on, but you can change that as you wish for each card.
I wasn't aware of that (or maybe had forgotten it), so thanks, Markus. Problem solved.