3 people joined my 2-player table after a game

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I'm now in a rated 4-player game because 3 people joined my table. I had searched for 2-pl games as I always do. Can this game be deleted, or do I have to finish this game to not get a ratings hit?


Is there even a rating list for 4P games?

Generally, it seems strange that more than the requested number of players can join a game as players.


Right, I forgot that. Thanks. It was game 8929270 btw.


Can you specify how you started that table? Did you create it on your own or did you use the standard buttons on the "Matching" tab.


The same as every time: Automatch two player, rated, wait for expansions.

I played one 2-pl game, then clicked ready, and then 2 more players joined and clicked ready. My previous opponent also joined. I'm not sure if he clicked ready before or after the other 2.


I've experienced once myself and I just tested it. The problem is that max player number is 6 after an automatched 2-player game.

Martin plays Piano

Ingix: Is there even a rating list for 4P games?

Quite apart from the real mistake discussed here, I would like to say that there is of course a leaderboard for games with 4 players - it is a combination of all 3 and 4 player games and will be judged exactly like the rules of the 3 player game.
This is to be added, because Ingix's rhetorical question has just given the impression that games with 4 players are never scored - this only applies to 5 or more players.

Have fun


Thanks Martin, I didn't know that. I always considered it just a 3-player leaderboard. I think I played 1 or 2 rated 3P games, apparently to few to create any rating, as my 3-4 player data as displayed in the client is exactly the same as my 2 player data.

Martin plays Piano

Hi Ingix, it's nice when even I can give you a few good tips - because it's usually always you who gives good tips to others.

Of course, the data you see on the leaderboard for 2P games is different from that for 3P games - but in order to see it, you not only have to switch the tab in the leaderboard, you also have to click on your own name in addition (ok, this could be technically optimized, indeed).

And then you will see that at 2P you have a level 45 (248 games scored) and at 3P you have a level 41 with exactly 3 games scored.

Have fun


Thanks again.

I think I'll file this an interface bug, because it is incorrect to have the tab say "3-4 players", and the leaderboard also changing for that, but the detail data staying the same.