Sacrifice not handling Inheritance-estates as intended

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Game #25687230, rated.
Pille123: 50.88
AndersGorling: 56.82

In this game I bought Inheritance and set aside Scheme. Later bought Sacrifice. When playing Sacrifice on the Estate (with Scheme inherited) Sacrifice should give +2 VP b/c victory card, as well as +2 cards/action b/c of inherited card types from Scheme.

However, only VP was given. I suspect this might be true for other cases as well. I specifically recommend testing stuff like Capitalism when further exploring this bug

EDIT: Game was played in Windows 7 with Google Chrome 73.0.3683.103 (64 bit version)

Sincerely / Anders


Thanks for the report, Anders.

However, as counterintuitive as this may sound, it is the correct behaviour. You can find much more detailed information here: but the key aspect is the following:

QuoteIf you Transmute an Inherited Estate, the Estate is in the trash and, thus, no longer yours when Transmute checks its type; therefore you would only get a Gold (for trashing a Victory card) and not a Duchy (since Estate cannot be an Action card in the trash). The only exception to this is an Inherited Fortress, which remains yours even after it is trashed.

The same logic applies to similar cards, like Catapult and Sacrifice.
(Emphasis mine)

The situation is different for Capitalism, as this affects all cards in all places during your turn. If you Sacrifice a Milita when you have bought Capitalism, the Militia is still a Treasure in the trash, so Sacrifices gives the respective bonus.

Inheritance is special in that it affects only 'your' Estates, while many other cards are carefully worded to usually apply to anything on your turn, even though it will mostly affect only you. For example, your -$2 cost token from Adventures works for all players on your turn.

It's been recognized by Donald X. (game designer) that this behaviour of Inheritance is not 'nice' and can lead to common misconceptions as this one. But they still work as printed, which means it's compicated, as this example shows.
