Round 1 pairings

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Below are the Round 1 pairings. Each match is listed twice, with each player being mentioned first once, and this list is alphabetically sorted. This makes it easy to find your match. The top 45 players have a bye (don't play this round, listed after the pairings), because of the number of participants (211) this year.

Please schedule your matches such that they end before Monday, 23rd of September, 6:00 UTC. You can publish your scheduled matches, so others can live spectate them. Details for that can be found in  Match time publishing and spectating.

General advice from experiences from last year:

Try to contact your opponent as soon as possible. You can do this by clicking on their name in the pairing, that will open a page that allows you to send them a forum message. Remember that not everything in your and opponent's schedule may turn out as excpected, so plan to play as early as convinient, with the chance to postpone if necessary. In case an opponent's in-game name differs from their forum name, the forum name is given in parenthesis.

Each match has a moderator assigned to it, in case there are problems. You can click on the moderator link to send them a message.
Please remember that you should contact your moderator when you have not heard from your opponent on Wednesday 12 UTC! That gives us time to do things, instead of getting to know of this fact on Sunday evening when the round should be almost over.

Also, try to log into your forum account at least once a day so you can actually see if you are contacted. Better yet, change your settings such that you get your personal messages sent to your email address. On the very top of this forum, click on "Profile", then choose the indicated Links and select the indicated values:

You can report the match result in 2 ways:
1) Preferred is this Google form to enter the result of your match.
2) If something goes wrong there, as a backup you can post the result in the in this forum in the Round 1 Result thread.

The first player to reach 3.5 points wins the match, there is no need to continue to play afterwards, as this is a single elemination tournament. So results like 4-0 or 4-1 are OK and expected.

If you want to look at the results of the whole tournament, there is a multi-page google doc for that as well.

Have fun playing!

0rpheon - Pancakes58   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
2Duffman - Orange   (Mod: xtruffles)
akirehekireki - Serikosia   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
alexgor23 - tufftaeh   (Mod: volfied)
alibby1152 - Masumaro   (Mod: xtruffles)
alion8me - bumbugler   (Mod: Ingix)
Anders - cjfla   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Ares - Burning Skull   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Artemis Lafleur - train   (Mod: xtruffles)
austeane - LoffeKarlsson   (Mod: volfied)
Azula [recursion] - thebigl70   (Mod: Ingix)
barbazul - pppppppppp   (Mod: volfied)
belov - mongolgeek   (Mod: xtruffles)
Benab - lrlusher   (Mod: Ingix)
BilldaCat - jmclaus   (Mod: xtruffles)
bizaff - zeruf   (Mod: volfied)
BluahBluah - Bryan   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
bluey_the_bear - StonedMason [manchild69]   (Mod: Ingix)
bouchon - wedaft   (Mod: volfied)
Bryan - BluahBluah   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
bumbugler - alion8me   (Mod: Ingix)
Burning Skull - Ares   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
C_Roy8 - Zentao   (Mod: Ingix)
Cassa - Ravenshard   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Catnap75 - heth [Lord Cattington]   (Mod: xtruffles)
Cave-O-Sapien - Ryoheihei   (Mod: volfied)
Chico_ - scottc   (Mod: xtruffles)
Chris is me - NZacharias   (Mod: xtruffles)
ChrisCV - joshnicholas   (Mod: xtruffles)
chrismertens - Micha1980   (Mod: volfied)
cjfla - Anders   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Count67 - nottoobad   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
COYS - supernick   (Mod: Ingix)
crabcat2 - dugrless   (Mod: xtruffles)
crlundy - williebob   (Mod: xtruffles)
cuethesun - gamesou   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
DDL - Thwart   (Mod: xtruffles)
Deaks - Sharur   (Mod: volfied)
DEGwer - grebst   (Mod: Ingix)
della - Kartana   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
delux_247 - Malta   (Mod: Ingix)
denyo19 - Personman   (Mod: Ingix)
DG - Hagbard   (Mod: volfied)
DividedSpy - ryansun   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
dornado - Memories   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
dugrless - crabcat2   (Mod: xtruffles)
eh1414 - Moyen   (Mod: Ingix)
ehunt - Jess359   (Mod: xtruffles)
Emeric - UltimateGeek   (Mod: Ingix)
eskoglund - Jeremus   (Mod: xtruffles)
faust - whutfrog   (Mod: xtruffles)
Felendis - harkne   (Mod: volfied)
fiercelord [jgriffith91786] - TonyWild   (Mod: xtruffles)
Fircoal - Tobradex   (Mod: volfied)
fkolouch - Geronimoo   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
fujinamisatoru - hirotashi   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
gamesou - cuethesun   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
GaryofPgh2 - Stookablo   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Gasku - Tarecky   (Mod: Ingix)
geollit - yurikamome   (Mod: Ingix)
Geronimoo - fkolouch   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
gomez70 - WQB   (Mod: xtruffles)
grebst - DEGwer   (Mod: Ingix)
gregors67 - SAMP   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Hagbard - DG   (Mod: volfied)
hannibal6 - yahas   (Mod: Ingix)
happysardar - sfossett08   (Mod: xtruffles)
harkne - Felendis   (Mod: volfied)
heiner999 - jonts   (Mod: xtruffles)
herikutu - nerdbound   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
heth [Lord Cattington] - Catnap75   (Mod: xtruffles)
hirotashi - fujinamisatoru   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
hoget10 - markusin   (Mod: volfied)
Host - Sharapopovamaria   (Mod: Ingix)
Ingix - khz   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
jakey - theballgame   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Jean-Michel - weyoun35 [weyoun37]   (Mod: volfied)
Jeremus - eskoglund   (Mod: xtruffles)
Jess359 - ehunt   (Mod: xtruffles)
Jimbuck - Skumpy   (Mod: xtruffles)
jmclaus - BilldaCat   (Mod: xtruffles)
jonts - heiner999   (Mod: xtruffles)
joshnicholas - ChrisCV   (Mod: xtruffles)
karenttrouble - Titandrake   (Mod: volfied)
Kartana - della   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
kazumaru0828 - raaaaaaaandy   (Mod: Ingix)
khz - Ingix   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
LoffeKarlsson - austeane   (Mod: volfied)
louda - rsilverstein12   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
lrlusher - Benab   (Mod: Ingix)
LuciferousPeridot [Luciferous] - thebaysix   (Mod: Ingix)
madronefive - nagadon21   (Mod: Ingix)
Malta - delux_247   (Mod: Ingix)
markusin - hoget10   (Mod: volfied)
Masumaro - alibby1152   (Mod: xtruffles)
Memories - dornado   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
MeNowDealWithIt - real77   (Mod: volfied)
Micha1980 - chrismertens   (Mod: volfied)
mikechike - southard0410   (Mod: volfied)
mongolgeek - belov   (Mod: xtruffles)
Moyen - eh1414   (Mod: Ingix)
mskap - pyrosimia   (Mod: volfied)
MtMagus - rotfuchs   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
MVP - phy phor [phyphor]   (Mod: xtruffles)
nagadon21 - madronefive   (Mod: Ingix)
nerdbound - herikutu   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
nessuno - terracubist   (Mod: Ingix)
nikkicola11 - singletee   (Mod: Ingix)
nottoobad - Count67   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
NZacharias - Chris is me   (Mod: xtruffles)
Orange - 2Duffman   (Mod: xtruffles)
ospond - RainbowChalice   (Mod: volfied)
Pancakes58 - 0rpheon   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Personman - denyo19   (Mod: Ingix)
phy phor [phyphor] - MVP   (Mod: xtruffles)
pppppppppp - barbazul   (Mod: volfied)
pyrosimia - mskap   (Mod: volfied)
raaaaaaaandy - kazumaru0828   (Mod: Ingix)
RainbowChalice - ospond   (Mod: volfied)
ramue - Trumplestiltskin   (Mod: volfied)
Ravenshard - Cassa   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
real77 - MeNowDealWithIt   (Mod: volfied)
Redly [Redarian] - SaintO   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
rotfuchs - MtMagus   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
rsilverstein12 - louda   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
ryansun - DividedSpy   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
Ryoheihei - Cave-O-Sapien   (Mod: volfied)
SaintO - Redly [Redarian]   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
SAMP - gregors67   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
scottc - Chico_   (Mod: xtruffles)
Serikosia - akirehekireki   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
sfossett08 - happysardar   (Mod: xtruffles)
ShaiyaCat - sowaka   (Mod: volfied)
Sharapopovamaria - Host   (Mod: Ingix)
Sharur - Deaks   (Mod: volfied)
singletee - nikkicola11   (Mod: Ingix)
Skumpy - Jimbuck   (Mod: xtruffles)
southard0410 - mikechike   (Mod: volfied)
sowaka - ShaiyaCat   (Mod: volfied)
Srmccorkle - ThomasK   (Mod: Ingix)
StonedMason [manchild69] - bluey_the_bear   (Mod: Ingix)
Stookablo - GaryofPgh2   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
supernick - COYS   (Mod: Ingix)
Tarecky - Gasku   (Mod: Ingix)
terracubist - nessuno   (Mod: Ingix)
theballgame - jakey   (Mod: drsteelhammer)
thebaysix - LuciferousPeridot [Luciferous]   (Mod: Ingix)
thebigl70 - Azula [recursion]   (Mod: Ingix)
ThomasK - Srmccorkle   (Mod: Ingix)
Thwart - DDL   (Mod: xtruffles)
Titandrake - karenttrouble   (Mod: volfied)
Tobradex - Fircoal   (Mod: volfied)
TonyWild - fiercelord [jgriffith91786]   (Mod: xtruffles)
train - Artemis Lafleur   (Mod: xtruffles)
Trumplestiltskin - ramue   (Mod: volfied)
tufftaeh - alexgor23   (Mod: volfied)
UltimateGeek - Emeric   (Mod: Ingix)
wedaft - bouchon   (Mod: volfied)
weyoun35 [weyoun37] - Jean-Michel   (Mod: volfied)
whutfrog - faust   (Mod: xtruffles)
williebob - crlundy   (Mod: xtruffles)
WQB - gomez70   (Mod: xtruffles)
yahas - hannibal6   (Mod: Ingix)
yurikamome - geollit   (Mod: Ingix)
Zentao - C_Roy8   (Mod: Ingix)
zeruf - bizaff   (Mod: volfied)

Aaron Rodgers
aku chi
Dan Brooks
Huevos Locos
Mic Qsenoch
