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Way of the Goat

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Way of the goat appears to only allow trashing action cards. We believe this should be ANY card from hand.


You are right, it should be able to trash any card. And in my test it does exactly that. Do you have a game number where it doesn't work?


I don't have the ID. Sorry; didn't think to record that. I could PM you some of the player's user names & a time window if you can search by player name?


If it was a 2 player game, that might help. Dombot doesn't work with 3+ players games in the match command.


Ah... 5 players. Unusual for us (we tend to play 3 or 4 even when playing physically).

I could have a go this evening against a single bot player and try and dupe it?


Sure, you can try. Maye if you remember something about the circumstances that would help. But as I said, I already tried it and if it's a bug, it is most likey tied to some scenario. If you reproduce it, make sure to write down the game number (it can be found on top of the log and in the chat).


So I definitely can't duplicate it trivially using robots.

Would the presence of humans/robots make a difference do you think?


Unlikely. Undos can make a difference between humans and robots, but this is a purely game-mechanical error.

Could it be that somebody (your or your friends) made an error when they thought it was a bug? Like somebody inadvertantly clicked on a card that was trashed, then only saw the Action cards with a green border (because more Actions might be played now) and thought it was the trash option?


I wouldn't have thought so; we tried several different times to use it --  HatChris had predicated a strategy on using it so was particularly keen on exploring the limitation. I'll see if we can remember what else was in play at the time.


I ran into this today with three computer players.  Game #46075500 on oregon.  I'm attaching a screenshot... notice that only the action cards give the option to trash via Way of the Goat.


Yes, that's how it is supposed to be. After all, Ways are alternative options to play an Action card.

You never could use any Way with a Copper or Silver.


The beginning of this thread there was a discussion of whether or not this was how "Way of the Goat" was supposed to work.  On your post from May 4th, you said that it should be able to trash any card?

Quote from: Ingix on 04 May 2020, 09:54:37 PM
You are right, it should be able to trash any card. And in my test it does exactly that. Do you have a game number where it doesn't work?

I had an Estate and a Curse that I was not able to trash either.
My interpretation of the Way cards is that the action on the Way card just replaces the action that would normally come from an action card, and there is no restriction on the Goat that says it only trashes action cards.


Sorry, I didn't see that this was in the context of the earlier questions.  :(

At the moment your screenshot was made, you are in your Action phase, so you can play only Actions, which is shown by your Action cards in hand having a green outline (green means "can be played").

You can play Throne Room/Smithy as normal, so you can draw 6 cards alltogeher.

Or you can play any of the Actions cards using Way of the Goat. If you do that, by clicking on the Goat picture on Throne Room or Smithy (marked with a red ellipse), you tell the game you want to play the card using Way of the Goat.

Once you do that, the Smithy in play will get the Goat picture to remind you that this is how you played it and all cards in hand will be marked with a red outline, indicating that they can be trashed:

The best play in this situation (as best as I can see) is to play Throne Room normally, then let it play the Smithy twice, and you choose to play Smithy using Way of the Goat each time. This allows you to get rid of both the Curse and the Estate. I just did that on reload of the game, and it worked as it should.

If anything is unclear, feel free to ask!


Ahhhh!!!! Makes perfect sense now!  Thank you for the clarification, @Ignix!