Cemetery + "Keep bad cards in exile" autoplay

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If this is supposed to be there then it's certainly not clear what it does.


The problem is that the link below to the explanation is named

"Province-specific options"

which is of course strange because this is Cemetery, not Province.

Many cards (including Cemetery) are affected by the same setting and it was named after one card that will always be present in a kingdom.

The "Province-specific options" describe the list of cards that the game will not ask you about to discard from Exile if a copy is gained, if the autoplay setting is "Keep bad cards in exile". It's Copper, Curse, the Ruins and almost all "pure" Victory cards (those with no other type).


It would make a lot more sense if this only appeared under the card doing the exiling, or at least if the option I'm looking at in this picture said "Keep Cemetery in exile"

Or maybe if it said "keep dead cards in exile" -- I just looked at this and I thought "Cemetery isn't a bad card, and it has nothing to do with Exile, what does this mean?"