Villa + Way of Butterfly + Spoils

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Not sure whether this is a bug or if I'm just misunderstanding the rules. I bought Villa, got +1 Action then used it as Way of the Butterfly to exchange it for something else. Then I saw a "No Treasures" button but didn't press it -- I tried to play a Spoils instead. The Spoils went back to its pile and I got no $. Why not?

Game: 82396038
Turn 12


When you played Villa using Way of the Butterfly, you gained a Jester, but did not do Villa's "normal" effects. Those "normal" effects include giving you +1 Buy.

So you entered your buy phase a second time. Your hand was just a Spoils, but you had no buys left! You used your "normal" buy on the Villa, and the +1 Buy on it wasn't executed.

So when you played the Spoils, there was nothing left for you to do: You had no more cards that could be played, and you couldn't buy anything, so the game automatically ended your buy phase and shortly afterwards your turn.

You got the money from Spoils, but you simply had nothing to use it for !