Speed as a parameter in matching

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Sorry if this has already been suggested or if it's too complicated to code, but could a speed metric be added to the other ratings that a player accumulates? Use something like click rate? Speed of play could then be a parameter in matching, with players selecting up and down how fast and how slow they are willing to match.

This would have a couple of benefits:

1. Some people like to play deliberately and think through plays. It would match them with players who play at a similar pace. Others like to play fast and could avoid those players.

2. It would resolve the slow play problem immediately. Players who took 3 minutes to play the next copper would have an incredibly low rating that would put them outside any matches.

If players are too picky about speed, it'll be the same as if they're too picky about expansions or rating: they just won't get matches quickly and will have to expand their tolerance.


It strikes me that the ladder would make no sense if you matched based on anything but ELO ranking.

A more practical measure would be to introduce a warning level lower than 4 minutes, say 90 seconds or 2 minutes.  If you hit the warning level 3 times in a game, your opponent can force a resign.  If you hit the 4 minute mark once, same thing.