Both players waiting for each other

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I have a couple of times encountered a bug where both players seem to be waiting for each other. One of the times, game 96029401, I used a bishop and she claimed it was waiting for me. Undo and reloading both appear to fix this. Either I got trolled very well twice, or there is a problem. This has only happened since 1.6 and doesn't seem very consistent. I couldn't tell if there was a better board to post this, if so please let me know.


This problem did exist duing the (non-public) testing, but we thought all instances where fixed. I'll look at your game id and will check if it can be reproduced.


I get this about once every 3 games.  It's happening all the time.



Thanks for the info, I'll see if a pattern emerges. I'm not aware of any recent changes, maybe if server capacity is near a limit (slow) this could happen.


This happens pretty frequently for me; usually a refresh of the browser takes care of the issue, at least temporarily.