Some UI suggestions ...

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I very much like the levels feature in Dominion.  I don't know if existing players very much appreciate it, as I believe the existing player pool has self-selected into gamers that aren't inhibited by the 'on boarding' limitations of the game.

But I think that this new feature will effectively expand the market audience for the game significantly.  A game like 'Hearthstone' with millions of users really had the onboarding figured out, and as far as basic game engine and play does not hold a candle to Dominion.

So this is a welcome improvement, except -

The main game dashboard is still a bit clunky.  I think that it is conceptually clear and powerful.  Now that I know it, I really like it.  But for onboarding new users there are issues. Just for interest sake, I set up a new account to see what the dashboard would look like, and I attached a screen shot.

Here are my observations from an onboarding perspective.  I don't pretend to have any final answers, these are just observations and opinions. Take them for what you feel they are worth.  My issues:

1) The function name 'Automatch' on the sidebar menu.  There are 3 conceptual ways of playing.  "Play Bots",  "Play Ladder", "Play Friends".  That makes more sense to the intiate.

2) Card Pool.  The levels starts at "10" with a min level "1" ... for a new account.  I would start the level at 1, and maybe dim (but not hide) the levels box, with a switch to turn it on.  Throwing the switch, gives the new user a description of what levels are all about.

3) Card Pool.  I would call this "Choose Level".

4) The 'Automatch' box.  I would call it 'Ladder Search' or something more descriptive.  Previews switch should not be there, but in the overall options, and set to off.  Rating should be set something like (+3,-3) possibly, but certainly not (+10, -10). 

5) I would head this section as "Play Bots", and possibly give it its own screen.  Repeat the "Card Pool" area.

These are all very minor cosmetic suggestions.  I really like the interface in that it is NOT dumbed down.  I like all the options and varieties of play.  The game engine and the general interface is great, once you know it.  But I think that it needs a bit more thought in terms of a brand new user.