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undo resign bug

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I was playing game 106339605 on frankfurt (my ID is Scott S). I submitted an undo request which my opponent seemed not to be answering. After a while the "Undo request was denied" message appeared at the exact same time that the popup appeared saying that I had resigned. Don't know if this was somehow a trick of my opponent to make the game time out on me, but I certainly had no intention of resigning. I was waiting on them to answer the undo request the whole time.


That is not a bug, but you are not the first person that got tripped up by that and it looks like you got a rather unsportsmanlike opponent.

When you have to make a decision in the game (usually your turn, or when you need to decide what to discard for Militia, etc.) there is a 4 min clock ticking for you. If that time is over and you did not make a decision, your opponents get the option to make you resign the game. That is to prevent a game being stuck for a long time if a player loses internet connection, or simply walks away from a clearly lost game.

You asking for an undo does not constitute you transfering that 4 min clock to your opponent, it's still ticking for you. Doing it otherwise would not work, unscrupulous players (of which there are unfortunately too many) would simply make an undo request, get it denied, then wait 3m 30s for doing another undo request, get it denied, then wait ...

So this is what happened to you, from your description. Your opponent waited until the 4 min where over, they got the option to make you resign, and used it.

The gist of this is that if you are playing against an unknown opponent, assume your undo effectively denied after say 2-3 min, if there is no communication (same players ask what the undo is about).  Then I would cancel the undo request and play on.


Well, live and learn, then. It seems like something better ought to happen. Perhaps undo requests could time out after a minute or so if the other play doesn't respond? Or perhaps a notice that you're about to become subject to a forced resign.


Quote from: scottshauf on 16 August 2022, 08:28:09 PM
Well, live and learn, then. It seems like something better ought to happen. Perhaps undo requests could time out after a minute or so if the other play doesn't respond? Or perhaps a notice that you're about to become subject to a forced resign.

Definitely this. The undo prompt as it currently stands really makes it look like you're waiting for the opponent to do something, and the implication is definitely that the timer is running on their end. Something needs to make it clearer that you're still on your time while waiting for an undo request to be approved by an opponent.


Or, the default could be that any Undo request is automatically granted, unless the 'asked' person denies within, say, 3 minutes.  That would give plenty of time for you to ask me for an Undo, I write, and ask you for an explanation for your request, and for you to write back.  If some version of this were implemented, then of course there is no motivation for a scummy player [ie, me, in this hypothetical] to wait and try to run out the clock.