Lord R freezes - debt?

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Game 149585756 froze after a few turns. Lord R played a Squire and then sat their indefinitely. I don't know the exact cause, but I wonder if it had to do with the debt going on.


I noticed something similar. Lord R freezing on their turn (possibly at the start of buy phase) after gaining debt from playing bandit camp with Harsh winter active.


Yes, that is indeed a problem that happens in some (but not all) cases where debt is involved.


Happened in game 150598704 to me as well; Lord Rat played a Paddock while having 1 debt, then just stopped


I just had this happen in game 150875411, Lord R froze after playing a Poacher with one debt.


Is this issue ever going to get fixed?  Debt has been a part of the game for quite a while now, and with an increased number of cards involving debt, a similarly increased proportion of games will be continue to be unplayable if this isn't resolved.


I hope so, but I can't promise anything. Unfortunately, changes to the game are at the moment very slow and I'm not sure that will change and that it will affect bot related issues :-(