the programing prefers paying players

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the problems start with the programming

free players
- start mostly second/last ...  i lost so many games because of one round
- get action cards later and action card dissapear for a while
- getting victory cards more often
- gets often stupid money, 4 if there are no cards for 4, 7 and you can t buy victory
- Snake Witch , i have no copies, but get always copies after drawing
- copies of cards are sticking together

i played it often enough , that it is not accidently
i plazyed with people having 10 points more, and they do not know a lot, but still winning


i agree with you
since the update, i got bad draws and never gain advantages by what i am holding...


I find it a bit hilarious that players think there is work being done by the program to analyze the decks, and find 'bad' hands for the free players, but otherwise has an AI that doesn't even buy many cards of the recent expansions because programming how to make the bot play them without tripping over itself is hard.

I've seen most of those effects as well, like runs of being second or getting $7 when you want $8, Snake Witch drawing a second Copper or Estate etc.

Disclosure: I'm a full subscriber and forum admin.


how to keep the paying members?   i played so many games by inglorious top ranked ...


To be honest, it doesn't matter if it's paid or free, because I have a gold subscription and my situation is the worst.