Asking to force resignation early

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I've had this happen a couple times today, including right now with game 151569305.

Despite my opponent playing in a timely manner, I have gotten the "make [username] resign" prompt.  The prompt will go away after a little while, but in the meantime I could (were I so inclined) make an opponent resign who hasn't done anything wrong.  Presumably others have had this happened as well.


There is an issue of players rarely getting into two games at once, but only knowing about one (unless they have to reload). It is assumed that those messages are related to the other game somehow.


This happened to me as well and I ended up resigning and losing rated games that I never actually resigned on! Frustrating.


Quote from: Ingix on 28 September 2024, 07:35:54 AMThere is an issue of players rarely getting into two games at once, but only knowing about one (unless they have to reload). It is assumed that those messages are related to the other game somehow.

Except that it's asking if you want to force the resignation of the visible game, so that wouldn't make sense as an explanation.


True, if it shows the name of the opponent you actually play with that must have some different cause.