Why do players resign at the very moment you are about to win?

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It's very annoying. Just let me have my moment in the sun!


See it from the other player's side. They lost, they know it and they watch helplessly as you go through the plays they know you can do to win. And then players tend to get as many points as possible, prolonging the last turn needlessly (from the loosing players point of view) by getting more coin and buys to get additional VP.

Remember that the person on the other side of an automatch is not your friend. They don't witness a friend getting an incredible turn, they see someone who wastes their time (and getting the VP piled on against you is of course also a slightly demotivating experience), so they end it. If you want to have your moment in the sun, continue the game with a bot. It is patient.


I would if you could gain ELO when playing with bots!
I'm not talking about players resigning when you have lengthy winning turns or when there's no way they can win and it's just a case of waiting - I am talking about when you are one second away from ending the game....


I have to say I prefer it when people resign when they know they have lost.  I do that most of the time, and I'm thinking that I'm being polite!

It feels tiresome to me when people have clearly won, and they keep going to max points, when all they had to do was buy the curse, or get the single dutchy to win, for example. 

So I suppose there are clearly two sides to this!