Question re: Turn Totals and Fleet

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This issue came up during game 153176094, and I wanted to get some input/clarity on how Fleet affects turn totals for the purpose of game ties vs wins/losses.  Essentially, it seems as if the Fleet turn was not counted for the purposes of determining number of turns to decide the result when there is a tie score (in this case, only one player took a Fleet turn).  I always read "extra round of turns" as meaning it would count that, as opposed to something like Outpost where you're taking another turn WITHIN the same round of turns.  The Dominion Strategy Wiki doesn't seem to clarify this for my mind, so I wanted to know if I'm misinterpreting, if the game is miscoded for that situation, or if it's kind of a living question at the moment.  Thanks!


For tie purposes, the Fleet extra turn(s) do not count, same as Outpost and all the other extra turn cards and efffects that came afterwards.

So the game handled that correctly.
