Divine Wind and VP tokens disappearing

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Hello, just finished a game with Divine Wind, Defiled Shrine and Temple.

All was well until the Prophecy triggered (as is so often the case ;)

After the Divine Wind kicked in and changed the Kingdom Cards all the remaining VP tokens set up by Defiled Shrine were no longer visible. Also tokens placed on Temple (one of the second set of Kingdom cards) did not show up.

The game still "saw" them, as they would be gained as usual by buying a new temple.

My opponent and I were both using the Safari browser, and neither of us could see the tokens.

Lastly when the last province was bought the game end didn't trigger - I still showed as having Buys but couldn't buy anything or end buys - the cards didn't have the "plus" to show them as buyable. I refreshed the page and came back to the search screen.

Two bugs in one? Or something related?


Screenshots attached.