Was spectating and realized the log was really weird

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Trash: Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Copper, Curse, Copper, Estate, Estate, Copper, Estate, Estate, Silver, Estate, Silver, Silver, Gold, Estate, Estate, Silver

b starts with 7 Coppers and 3 Estates.
b shuffles his deck.
b draws 4 Coppers and an Estate.
L starts with 7 Coppers and 3 Estates.
L shuffles his deck.
L draws 5 Coppers.

Turn 1 - bog
b plays 4 Coppers.
b buys and gains a Spice Merchant.
b draws 3 Coppers and 2 Estates.

Turn 1 - Lord Rattington
L plays 5 Coppers.
L buys and gains a Giant.
L draws 2 Coppers and 3 Estates.

Turn 2 - bog
b plays 3 Coppers.
b buys and gains a Page.
b shuffles his deck.
b draws 4 Coppers and an Estate.

Turn 2 - Lord Rattington
L plays 2 Coppers.
L buys and gains a Settlers.
L shuffles his deck.
L draws 3 Coppers, an Estate and a Giant.

Turn 3 - bog
b plays 4 Coppers.
b buys a Ferry.
b moves -Cost token to the Wild Hunt pile.
b draws 2 Coppers, 2 Estates and a Page.

Turn 3 - Lord Rattington
L plays a Giant.
L flips Journey token face down.
L plays 3 Coppers.
L buys and gains a Silver.
L draws 3 Coppers, an Estate and a Settlers.

Turn 4 - bog
b plays a Page.
b draws a Spice Merchant.
b plays a Spice Merchant.
b trashes a Copper.
b shuffles his deck.
b draws 2 Coppers.
b plays 3 Coppers.
b buys and gains a Sage.
b returns a Page.
b receives a Treasure Hunter.
b shuffles his deck.
b draws 3 Coppers and 2 Estates.

Turn 4 - Lord Rattington
L plays a Settlers.
L draws a Copper.
L looks at an Estate, 5 Coppers, 2 Provinces, 2 Golds, 2 Silvers and a Settlers.
L plays 4 Coppers.
L buys and gains a Silver.
L shuffles his deck.
L draws 2 Coppers, a Silver and 2 Estates.

Turn 5 - bog
b plays 3 Coppers.
b buys and gains a Chariot Race.
b draws 2 Coppers, an Estate, a Sage and a Treasure Hunter.

Turn 5 - Lord Rattington
L plays 2 Coppers and a Silver.
L buys and gains a Silver.
L draws 2 Coppers, a Silver, a Giant and a Settlers.

Turn 6 - bog
b plays a Treasure Hunter.
b gains a Silver.
b plays a Sage.
b reveals a Spice Merchant.
b puts a Spice Merchant into his hand.
b plays a Spice Merchant.
b trashes a Copper.
b plays a Copper.
b buys and gains a Wild Hunt.
b returns a Treasure Hunter.
b receives a Warrior.
b shuffles his deck.
b draws 2 Coppers, 2 Estates and a Warrior.

Turn 6 - Lord Rattington
L plays a Settlers.
L draws a Copper.
L looks at an Estate, 5 Coppers, 2 Provinces, 2 Golds, 2 Silvers and a Settlers.
L plays a Giant.
L flips Journey token face up.
b reveals an Estate.
b discards an Estate.
b gains a Curse.
L plays 3 Coppers and a Silver.
L buys and gains a Province.
L shuffles his deck.
L draws 2 Coppers, 2 Silvers and an Estate.

Turn 7 - bog
b plays a Warrior.
b draws a Silver and a Wild Hunt.
L discards a Settlers.
b plays 2 Coppers and a Silver.
b buys and gains a Farming Village.
b returns a Warrior.
b receives a Hero.
b draws 2 Coppers, a Spice Merchant, a Sage and a Chariot Race.

Turn 7 - Lord Rattington
b draws a Copper.
b discards 4 Coppers and an Estate.
b gains an Artificer.
b shuffles his deck.
b draws 4 Coppers and an Artificer.

Turn 6 - Lord Rattington
L plays a Swamp Hag.
L plays 3 Coppers.
L buys a Tax.
L adds 2 Debt to the Giant pile.
L shuffles his deck.
L draws 3 Coppers, a Silver and a Swamp Hag.

Turn 6 - UNKNOWN_undefined

Turn 7 - bog
b plays an Artificer.
b draws an Artificer.
b plays an Artificer.
b draws a Copper.
#1386 on frankfurt-test2.