Selecting Kingdom Cards doesn't work

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When I try to setup a table, the option to select kingdom cards doesn't work. For instance, I unchecked the marks for all expansions except adventures and empires and I also required Black Market to be in the kingdom, but after starting a bot game with those options I had cards from different expansions that weren't checked in the kingdom and Black Market was not present.

When I go back to the "select kingdom cards" screen before starting the game after having set it up, it has my options remembered, but they seem to be forgotten before the start of the game. When I resign the game and go back to kingdom selection via "edit table" all expansions are checked again, but the required Black Market is still remembered (despite not showing up in the game).

On earlier beta versions, this worked for me, but since the last two I think it doesn't. I noticed the issue yesterday for the first time I think, when playing on my girlfriends laptop and thought it was an issue with her machine, but now it doesn't work on mine either. I'm running Windows 7 and using Firefox 50.1.0. The games this occured for me recently were #98, #99 and #101 on frankfurt-test.


I'm unable to reproduce the the missing Black Market. All required cards show up every time for me. But you are correct that the used expansions are being ignored. Thanks for bringing that up. We'll fix it.


As for the missing Black market from required cards,there was another strange thing in that when i opened the select kingdom cards for the First time in the new release yesterday, it had patrol (i think it was patrol) as the only card required, even though I had never selected that card to be required previously. Don't know where that came from or if it is related but i thought i'd mention it.

Edit: I just remembered the selected card was Bandit.


My table says "Required cards: Temple" but when I click "Ready" (which, confusingly, starts a game against a bot) Temple is not among the cards in the Kingdom. However, earlier I was able to get a desired card (Sacrifice) into a kingdom. Not sure what the difference is.

Game #582 on frankfurt-test and game #583 on frankfurt-test.

Edit: by going back in and adding a card (Sacrifice), I was able to get both Sacrifice and Temple to show up. And then when I removed Sacrifice in the following game only Temple showed up. This suggests that simply editing the required kingdom cards to redo your preferences may solve this issue.


The bug has been found and solved on dev. You'll get the fixed version tomorrow.