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Messages - Mic Qsenoch

Interface Issues / Re: Easy way to cheat
07 January 2017, 07:51:09 PM
Quote from: gkrieg on 07 January 2017, 07:46:17 PM
If you are worried about this, you can always turn off spectating for all of your games in settings.

There's no global setting for this, only specific table settings, which means it doesn't help in quick/good matches.
Quote from: Betty Boop on 07 January 2017, 03:40:01 AM
How do I get previouslsy purchased expansion (Properity) to populate when I play?  Only basic cards appear????

Go to the "Familiar Cards" tab and add whichever cards you want to appear in your games.
Card Bugs / Re: Mountain Pass
28 December 2016, 05:10:43 AM
The minimum bid you can make as second bidder is 1 higher than the first bid. This seems like enough information to me, but maybe it's better to display the first bid more prominently. It would certainly be helpful in >2p games (seeing what the highest bid is and who made it).
Feature Requests / Re: Viewing card details on tablet
20 December 2016, 06:26:11 PM
Though yed reports that this method is currently not working in mobile Chrome with Dominion Online.
Feature Requests / Re: Viewing card details on tablet
20 December 2016, 06:21:34 PM
I don't have a tablet, but I think I've heard people mention that if you tap and hold that it right clicks? No idea which platforms this works on. Obviously still not a great way to access the card info, but maybe it can help for now.
You can't in the current version. Will be added.
Feature Requests / Re: Stacking Sauna trashing
17 December 2016, 12:44:52 AM
You can't do that because of Cultist and Rats, there may be others? I guess you can check for those instances and stack it when they aren't around, but in general they aren't equivalent.
Quote from: JW on 16 December 2016, 08:02:55 PM
When I buy a card out of the Black Market, is there any way to name it with Wishing Well (Mystic, etc.)? Bought Sea Hag but don't see how to name it.

Game #2093 on frankfurt-test2.

Not yet, wishing hasn't been implemented for other similar cases too.
Quote from: LaLight on 15 December 2016, 08:04:00 AM
Quote from: Jacob Marley on 15 December 2016, 01:14:30 AM
There should be an option to disable the buy without playing your money feature.  That confused me (of course I was just watching, not playing) but in order to keep things straight in my head, I'm thinking that I'd always play out my treasures before buying.

There is such an option already, in your personal settings in the lobby.

To clarify, by default the autobuy feature is off now, you have to turn it on in your personal settings.
The implementation doesn't exactly match the card, but it's by design. Here's Stef's description of the way Black Market works:

So in this instance, the order the cards are put back does not matter as the deck is shuffled anyway.

Here is a post where Donald mentions being asked about the shuffling thing and saying yes to it.
So it's all edge cases, but I think they have to give you the option to discard even once the VP is gone as there are some reasons to want to do it. Villa + draw to X or Menagerie, any Treasures which can draw or reveal cards and thus might cause a reshuffle, Haunted Woods.
Card Bugs / Re: Courtier and Dame Josephine interaction
13 December 2016, 07:16:39 PM
A lot of these automatic things are not communicated clearly, but you just received all four bonuses automatically (because each choice must be different for Courtier).