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Topics - Stef

Announcements / release notes version 1.6
18 February 2022, 12:08:51 PM
Translations: Deutsche Version, 日本語

We're preparing for previews of the new expansion - Dominion: Allies - starting on February 28th.
In the meanwhile, a lot has changed today that isn't strictly related to Allies. It's too much to name it all, but here are the main takeaways:

1. Functional card and rules changes, for Coffers, replaying cards, Donate, Mountain Pass, Patron, Merchant Guild
2. Card Pool Levels. This is a new feature to help newer players ease into the fast universe of Dominion cards. It replaces Familiar Cards.
3. a UI overhaul. Many things will look nicer; take an extra look at animation settings and undo
4. Fixed card bugs
5. new autoplays for Encampment, Duplicate

Many, many thanks to ceviri for coding most of the new UI
And thanks to the people who playtested this version over the last two weeks and provided feedback.
Announcements / additional free expansion
20 March 2020, 09:23:10 PM
With so many people sitting at home, we wanted to do something nice. Playing with the base set is always free, and for the following days we'll add one additional expansion on a rotating schedule. The rotation happens at 0:00 UTC. You can check the Account tab to see what expansion is available right now and for how long.

The schedule for the free expansion is:

March 21    Intrigue
March 22Seaside
March 23Prosperity
March 24Alchemy, Cornucopia & Guilds
March 25Hinterlands
March 26Dark Ages
March 27Adventures
March 28Empires
March 29Nocturne
March 30Renaissance
March 31Menagerie
April 1Intrigue
April 2Seaside
April 3Prosperity
April 4Alchemy, Cornucopia & Guilds
April 5Hinterlands
April 6Dark Ages
April 7Adventures
April 8Empires
April 9Nocturne
April 10Renaissance
April 11Menagerie
April 12Intrigue
April 13Seaside
April 14Prosperity
April 15Alchemy, Cornucopia & Guilds
April 16Hinterlands
April 17Dark Ages
April 18Adventures
April 19Empires
April 20Nocturne
April 21Renaissance
April 22Menagerie
Note that these days are starting and ending at 0:00 UTC.


If you don't like the complexity of another expansion, you can still use the automatch search option "Only base games". "Prefer expansions" implies you would be fine with everything, "Wait for expansions" still waits for someone with at least the Silver subscription.
Announcements / Subscription Structure & Prices
18 March 2020, 02:51:10 PM
Gold & Silver subscriptions will be supported for as long as they last, but they are no longer sold.
When the new system released today, everyone with a Silver Subcription also got a Core Subscription, and everyone with a Gold subscription also got a Complete subscription.
Connection Problems / certificate out of date
24 December 2019, 02:10:54 AM
When you try to load in chrome, it now results in the following warning:

Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more

I'm sorry, I'll try to get this fixed asap.
It is a different, although very similar, problem to the one I had 5 days ago.
(That was the ssl certificate on the servers running out, this is the ssl certificate on the website)
Announcements / cardlists
28 July 2019, 02:20:33 PM
Every player gets to make three small lists that will influence the kingdoms you play.

You can make a banned list, a liked list and a disliked list. Cards on these lists will increase or decrease the likelihood a card will appear in your kingdom. Banned cards will be gone completely (0%), while liked cards have 200% chance and disliked cards 50%. If several players have the same cards on their lists, these percentages will be multiplied with each other. On every list you can put a maximum of 5 cards and 3 landscapes (Events, Landmarks and/or Projects). You don't need a subscription to these cards to put them on your lists.

If you play a regular automatched game, the banned list and the disliked list will be respected, but the liked list ignored. If you play a practice game or a game with a bot, all lists will be respected. If you create your own table, you can manually select which lists you want to be respected. An automatched game that doesn't use expansions will ignore all lists. The rationale here is that we want to increase the fun for players as much as possible, while still not allowing/forcing them to game the system too much.

When this feature was released, we removed the global ban on Possession but put it on everyone's personal list. New accounts will start with empty lists.
Announcements / Renaissance online release
03 November 2018, 12:55:45 PM
We'll release renaissance online on Monday, 15:00 UTC.

The rule-book will also go up on Monday.
It no longer depends on the physical release, although that is still expected to be Monday as well.
General Discussion / Spending Villagers - edgecases
25 September 2018, 09:10:06 AM
Quote from: Stef on 25 September 2018, 09:02:01 AM
...This will be sufficient in >99% of the games...

In theory there are 3 exceptions:
- If you are possessing your opponent, you probably want to waste their villagers.
- If you are scared of being possessed, you may want to waste your own villagers.
- If you intend to play Diadem and you prefer coins to Villagers, you may want to use them.

Two things you can do:
- If you're in your action phase and nothing else is currently happening (= you're not in the middle of playing some card) you can click the villager icon in the status bar to use a villager.
- If you manage to play diadem in your action phase (Black Market or Storyteller) it will simply ask you how many Villagers you want to spend before getting the coins from Diadem.

Unfortunately this still don't cover all these edge-cases. Most notably, maybe you have Diadem in hand but no actions whatsoever, and the game will automatically skip your Action phase. We'll figure something out before Renaissance goes live for real to fix that.
General Discussion / re: feedback
12 January 2018, 05:02:45 PM
Thanks to everyone who posted in the feedback thread already. I have read it all (up to half an hour ago) and will continue to read it all, but it is way too much to reply to everyone individually. Regardless, I think it is a very valuable tool in determining the priorities over the coming months and maybe even longer.

I tried to give everyone who posted the extended subscription. Below is the output of my script.
There are three kind of mistakes you could help me correct:

  • If I forgot to include your name please notify me (just reply here) and I'll still add you.
  • If it says "name not recognized" either I made a typo or you forgot to mention your in-game-name is different from your forum-name. Please let me know your in-game-name.

  • The list below should contain the expansions you once "bought" and the updated end of your subscription to those expansions. It should be 183 days from now, or if you already had a subscription 183 days from whenever that would end. If there are any mistakes please let me know and I'll investigate.

Player RTT
   2018 12 29 22:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Seprix
   2020 07 02 00:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player TeDeO
   2018 11 30 22:00 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Awaclus
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player tufftaeh
   2019 07 03 00:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player allanfieldhouse
   2018 12 01 05:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player markus
   2019 06 21 23:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player twasa
   2019 07 01 22:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Zhuria
   2018 08 10 04:00 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity]
Player Adam Horton
   2018 10 01 04:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player squirezucco
   2019 07 04 04:59 UTC: [Intrigue]
Player Polk5440
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player theblankman
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Cave-O-Sapien
   2018 08 18 07:00 UTC: [Prosperity, Cornucopia, Guilds]
Player Rabid
   2018 08 31 00:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player eulele
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Adventures]
Player ConMan
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player tracer
   2019 07 02 08:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player markusin
   2018 10 30 04:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Melawe
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player LibraryAdventurer
   2018 08 07 06:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player hockeysemlan
   2019 07 05 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player pregnantbird
   nothing to add
Player Linda B
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Alchemy, Cornucopia, Guilds, Adventures]
Player MVP
   2019 05 21 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player dsjdom
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player jsh357
   2019 05 19 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player pastorshooty
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player bbfrancis
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Schleeki
   2019 07 07 22:59 UTC: [Promo]
Player ejcarter9
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player eowyn_32
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo]
Player Rachmaninoff
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player AthosNRW
   2019 07 08 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player NBY
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo]
Player ednever
   2019 05 19 07:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Diedre
   2019 07 03 02:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player yevgenovitch
   2018 08 18 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player katie_mi
   2019 05 18 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Serikosia
   2019 06 02 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Nicholas Galauxy
   2019 05 19 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Harimurti
   name not recognized
Player ryan.echternacht
   2019 03 08 03:59 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Missinaibi
   name not recognized
Player ozgumboots
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Alchemy]
2019 05 24 03:59 UTC: [Prosperity]
Player kn1tt3r
   2019 05 20 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player bvannatta
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player scott1
   2019 06 01 07:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Rabbit of Caerbannog
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player KR Patrol
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Prosperity, Cornucopia]
Player clarey
   2019 07 04 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player isellsunshine
   2019 07 10 06:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player KRmnd
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Poppet
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Seaside, Prosperity, Hinterlands]
Player Henry21323
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player LaughingMan28
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity]
Player cingams
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player mniedz
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity]
Player vaf29
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Thom Blake.0000
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player XWP
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player faust
   2019 05 18 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Mustang255
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Guilds]
Player Sandsportfreund
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player globetheater
   2018 08 04 05:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Dark Ages]
Player phoenix9797
   2018 09 15 03:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Malta
   2019 07 01 23:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Tignasse Verte
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo]
Player jewofsteel
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages]
Player Thechick
   2019 07 13 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Horist
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Guilds, Adventures]
Player SkyHard
   2019 05 20 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Matt Arnold
   2018 11 15 04:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Willemien
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player neatlynoted
   2019 07 06 07:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player WhyMan
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Bananny
   2019 07 03 06:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player crymeariver
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Gertrude5
   2019 06 26 07:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player RedMcC
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Dawn Patrol
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Guilds]
Player ltj
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Oyvind
   2019 05 19 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player pizowned
   2018 07 23 06:59 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player nocto
   2018 07 18 23:59 UTC: [Prosperity, Cornucopia, Adventures]
Player Dav3ywav3y
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player smutje
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Peter
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player dadalu
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Guilds, Adventures]
Player peetar
   2018 11 10 06:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player tassilo2008
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player clb
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Dan Brooks
   2018 11 30 07:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player jschottm
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity]
Player GregDC
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Morghas
   2019 05 19 12:59 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Bishop_Zen
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Chris Martin
   2019 05 31 23:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player trulpen
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player sunshinehippo
   2019 07 04 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity]
Player juffowup
   2019 06 05 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Mercury444F
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player darthnice
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player ChristianHauser
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player AdrianHealey
   2019 07 05 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Ingo E
   2019 05 20 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player schnort
   2019 05 31 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player pablominion
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Ericus1
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Prosperity]
Player christian
   2019 07 06 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player jenpavlik
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity, Hinterlands, Dark Ages]
Player Marathoner
   2019 07 09 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Xilocent
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player scottshauf
   2019 02 28 03:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player davidbeccue
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Superher0like
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Max Mapleton
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player aerospeace
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player TinPotGeneral
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity]
Player JewelsJLF
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Tim Lieder
   2019 07 03 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player spooneye
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player bvonbaconhund
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player SilverRapier
   2019 07 02 06:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player weilandb
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Alchemy, Cornucopia, Hinterlands]
Player GlassesMonday
   2019 07 06 12:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player chadhogg
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Richard Gibbs
   2019 07 02 06:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Morrison
   name not recognized
Player feralbones
   2018 08 30 07:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player rchlfish
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Guilds]
Player Tamuc
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player BigDaddyG
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Babygirl
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player pyrotica
   2018 07 15 07:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player DarrenicusII
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Alchemy, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player kilgoretrout103
   2018 12 01 05:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Ghost Weasel
   2019 07 05 04:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Chopchopchops
   2019 07 06 07:59 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player PLEChicago
   2019 07 04 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Donut Chase
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player zypherzen
   name not recognized
Player Kez
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
   2018 08 31 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player GaryofPgh2
   2019 07 09 05:59 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Prosperity]
Player marky
   2019 07 08 08:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Capitalzed
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player TyrantMum
   2018 11 15 06:59 UTC: [Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Guilds]
Player mquander
   2019 06 24 04:59 UTC: [Adventures]
Player Bekba25
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player ressu
   2019 07 01 22:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player shizzar
   2018 10 30 21:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player assemble me
   2020 07 02 00:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Rok
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player corto1maltese
   2019 05 18 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player adaptations
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Ceberon
   2019 07 13 22:59 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Pyas
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player eselka
   2018 09 06 22:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Lotoreo
   2018 11 30 22:00 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player Livo
   2019 07 08 23:59 UTC: [Prosperity]
Player Niemand
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands]
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player vinospizza
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Shoeless Jeff
   2019 07 03 05:59 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player etwie
   2018 08 30 23:00 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player jenalbu
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player test00test00
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds, Adventures]
Player tinoue
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
Player Lady Melinda
   2018 07 14 15:48 UTC: [Promo, Intrigue, Seaside, Alchemy, Prosperity, Cornucopia, Hinterlands, Dark Ages, Guilds]
(link to Japanese)
(here is a list of extended subscriptions, which I will update every couple of days)

One day people bought Dominion from MF thinking they'd have it forever.
This turned out not to be true, and although I didn't think this was my fault in any way, unhappy Dominion players still made me feel bad.

Our idea was to compensate these users by giving them a choice between a year of online or the promised offline version. However, we failed to deliver an offline version until now, so this idea didn't fully work out.

I still really want an offline version, and when we get there the old MF owners will still get it for free. But this product does not make sense if we don't add campaigns first, and they don't make sense if we don't add a proper AI first. All in all it is much more work then I originally had hoped, and I now expect this to arrive in the fall of 2018.


I've come to the following decision: If you are one of the people for whom "free 2017" just ended, I am willing to extend it with another half a year in exchange for one hour of your time. The short version is "provide feedback and don't forget to include your username". Longer version below. The offer stands for anyone replying in this thread in the next 10 days and is only about expansions you once bought from MF. If you already bought a subscription for (a part of) 2018, I will extend it with half a year for the appropriate expansions.


Here are some guidelines on the kind of feedback I'm looking for:
1. Try to keep it short & concise
2. Try to describe your own personal wishes, not what you think is best for others.
3. Please make actual points in these posts (instead of refering to earlier posts making points)

Here are some features we have on our wishlist; please let me know if you would appreciate/use them:
1. An offline client, allowing you to play campaigns against bots
2. A bot with a setting for different play styles
3. A strong bot.
4. Options for timed games
5. Options for undo settings
6. Online mini-tournaments; the option to easily create one for you & your friends.
7. Option to invite specific players to your table
8. More translations (to what language?)
9. Better animations when cards are gained/bought/played/...
10. Better visualization of split piles, Archive/Crypt contents, Prince targets, ...
10. Option to hide the log
11. Android app (or just improved compatibility?)
12. iPhone app (or just improved compatibility?)
13. Downloadable game logs
14. Improved moderation (dealing with chat abuse, slowplayers, ...)
15. Tutorial on how to play Dominion
16. Tutorial on how to play dominion online.
Announcements / autoplays
15 November 2017, 05:08:45 PM
Autoplays is a feature that can make decisions for you. Some questions the gameserver asks you are a bit boring, and you (almost?) always want to answer them in the same way anyway.

At the moment we implemented 24 autoplay options that you can change under the "options" tab. What you select there is saved in the database and used as your starting settings for every game you play. You can also change the settings during a game, by right-clicking a card. Changes you make during a game are for that game only.

By default almost all autoplays settings are off, because the default settings have to consider beginners. Having a Moat magically reveal itself would be bad if you don't fully understand Moat yet. However, I expect the players that do know all the cards will want to turn most of them on (go to "options" and click "convenient settings").

There is more extensive documentation available about the individual autoplay cards & their options (english german japanese russian)

Clean-up autoplays
Some autoplays are grouped under Clean-up autoplays, and instead of making a decision for you directly they allow you to specify a default. If all cards you have in play have a default selected, the entire "plan your cleanup" question is skipped. For example, if you play Page and have its autoplay setting at "Default is Exchange", the game will automatically exchange it for a Treasure Hunter for you during Cleanup.

Tips on using autoplay
For most settings, you just want to use the "convenient settings" and never look back.
However, sometimes you want to change them at the start of a game or during a game. Here are some examples:
Urchin starts off, and I keep it that way until I have however many Mercenaries I want to have. Then change it to "Never trash"
Moat stops attacks, but in some kingdoms you (sometimes) want to be attacked. In those games I just turn it off and make all the decisions manually.
Disciple and Warrior start "off", but I usually change them to "default keep" when I think I have enough Teachers and/or Champions.
I'll stop here but for all autoplays you can come up with some edge case where you want to turn it off.

Not changing questions
The autoplayer is very cautious about the questions it answers. For example the autoplay for "Coin of the Realm" only tries to answer the literal question "Do you want to call Coin of the Realm". Sometimes the game will ask a more complicated question like "You may play an action from your hand, or call coin of the realm". In those cases the autoplayer will simply do nothing - it can't answer the question, and it also won't strip the part about coin of the realm out.

Shared setting
Royal Seal, Tracker and Travelling Fair use one combined setting. The menu under "options" lists this shared setting as "Royal Seal"
General Discussion / Pile sizes & positioning
31 October 2017, 05:24:55 PM
Today 1.3.2 was released, and it completely rewrites the code that positions the kingdom on the screen.
Now I'm looking for feedback:

a) bugs: garbled up kingdoms
  If you find any kingdom & screen size that looks really awkward please post a screenshot.
  I think we caught them all during testing but who knows.

b) bugs: unused space
  If you find a kingdom & screen size that needlessly makes the kingdom smaller then necessary, please again post a screenshot

c) fine-tuning: pile sizes
  Quite possibly piles are too small now on your screen now. Making them larger will have some cost (probably the in-play zone will shrink) but that still may be what you want.

If you know your way around the javascript console, you may try playing with these variables:

var DESIRED_SCALE = 0.03;

(especially setting DESIRED_VERTICAL_USE a little higher)
General Discussion / Nocturne Previews & weekend
28 October 2017, 11:29:55 AM
The week of the previews is over, but during this weekend you'll still be able to play with the new cards.
Kingdoms will have 4 Nocturne cards selected at random from the entire week, while having 6 regular cards.
On Monday Nocturne will be removed, in order to return in full on the same day the physical expansion becomes available. Current estimates are around the 16th of November but they're not fixed yet.

Hope you all enjoyed it!
I removed this thread, as it became counter-productive.
Support / MOVED: Intentional slow players
14 July 2017, 08:14:30 AM
I removed the thread, as it became counter-productive.
General Discussion / 3P automatching
26 May 2017, 01:28:45 PM
1.2.6 introduced 3P automatching. However I didn't really have an idea what to do with the default rating requirements. My guess is the 3P ratings haven't really settled, because there weren't that many 3P games getting played, mostly because there wasn't any 3P matching before today.

So for now I just copied the restrictions from 2P (which means searching from -10 to +10), but quite possibly that makes it too hard to find a match and I need to double that range next week.
After a lot of useful feedback last month and getting some of the most desired features implemented I'd like to revive this idea.

  • Please state your personal opinion on top 3 of things you'd like to see changed
  • Please don't discuss the opinion of others in this thread. If they ask for something you don't think is important at all, well, they're still entitled to that opinion. If you think a suggestion is interesting and warrants a discussion, feel free to start a new thread about it.

Regardless of what people post, the next thing to work on will be a bit of a sad one. Personal blacklists, reporting users, banning users... we just need to invest some time in that because there are a few players out there who are spoiling a lot of fun for others, and those negative experiences can carry a lot of weight.
Announcements / Ratings & Leaderboard
31 March 2017, 12:55:05 PM
Since release 1.2 players have a rating, based on glicko-2.

Every player is assigned a level, which we try to keep between 0 and 100.
- New players start at 20.
- You can go up by winning games.
- The only thing that matters is win/tie/lose (point margin is irrelevant; resigning is the same as losing).
- You can also go up if the system gets to know you better (e.g. after winning a game and losing one).
- You will go up more if you beat a higher ranked opponent.

There are two rating systems. One for 2-player games, one for 3-4 player games. This is because we intend to add an automatch queue for 3-4 player games in the near future. These rating systems are completely independent of each other. If you win a 3 player game, it counts as a win against both opponents. If you end up 2nd in a 3 player game, it counts as a loss against the winner and a win against the loser.

The leaderboard will update on a daily basis at 0:00 UTC. Players who haven't played any games that day will see their level go down a tiny bit. You will not be visible on the leaderboard if you haven't played any rated games. The leaderboard displays you, your friends and the top 20 players.

If you don't use automatch but create a table of your own, you can select whether or not this game will be rated. Games with bots, games with 5+ players and games respecting familiar cards will always be unrated though.

While it's possible to beat up dummy accounts in order to game the leaderboard, this is not a good idea if you're interested in the longevity of your account.
General Discussion / Reloading an old game
10 February 2017, 05:57:44 PM
Since version 1.1.0 it's possible to load an old game. This feature is very much still under development, but this initial version is too convenient for finding/fixing other bugs not to release it.

The idea is that you can now specify an old game number and a decision number on a table. After doing so you can select a player order, which will determine who (on the new table) becomes whom (in the old game you're reloading).

The feature isn't very user friendly yet. You could wonder how on earth you're supposed to know your old game numbers, and how are you supposed to guess the decision number you're interested in. Those would be very legitimate concerns, and will be addressed in later releases. At some point you will be able to specify these 'reload-instructions' from an URL, and you will be able to generate that URL by some special click in a game log.

There is still a fundamental problem with this feature I haven't really been able to solve yet. It allows you to reload a game that was generated by the current server version just fine, but if you want to reload a game from an older version all bets are off. It may very well work, but could also be broken. Hypothetically speaking - Suppose that old server version contained some card bug (Smithy was drawing only 2 cards) that has been fixed on the new version. Reloading that game on the new server will fail very shortly after the first Smithy play.

For now, I hope this will help us solve card bugs more easily (so please do include a game number on all bug reports) and it's great fun for puzzling too.

Here is a very nice one to start from a game Marin and I were playing yesterday: game 1105805, decision 207. Add a bot, make sure you're taking over Marins perspective. The goal is to win this turn, because it's very unlikely you'll get another turn.