A few questions re Ghost + Treasure Map

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[I hope this is in the correct forum.  I don't see a forum for general questions about cards or card interactions...only about card bugs.]

Situation One.  You have a Ghost and one Treasure Map.  When you play Ghost, it happens to pick TM and puts it aside for the next turn.  On this next turn, it is played twice.  My question:  do you gain all the Golds?  I am guessing not, since the second TM was not played from your hand.  But does anyone have actual knowledge of this?

Situation Two.  You have two TMs total.  You play Ghost and it selects TM and sets it aside.  Next hand, you happen to get the second TM in your hand.  What happens now?  Do you get one set of the 4 golds?  Or, since you were forced to play the ghosted TM twice, does that somehow "cancel" out its effect and you're screwed?  Or do you get **8 gold**...that is, when you trash the in-hand TM, do you get 4 gold for each time your out-of-hand, ghosted TM got played?

Situation Three.  You have 3 TM.  One is set aside, as before due to Ghost.  But now you have two other TM in your hand.  What happens on your next turn?  Are both in-hand TM automatically trashed, and if so, do you get 4 gold or 8 gold?  If only one TM in hand is trashed, what happens if you--later on that same turn--use (let's say) Chapel to trash the remaining TM?  Nothing on the card says that you need to simultaneously trash two TM to get the gold, so that suggests it only needs to be done on the same turn.  But on the other hand; the card's info *could* have said "during the same turn" and doesn't, so maybe that suggests it DOES need to be done one-right-after-the-other. 

I'm getting more confused the more I think about this.  ::)


Treasure Map's card text:

Trash this and a Treasure Map from your hand. If you trashed two Treasure Maps, gain 4 Golds onto your deck.

* It has a check about two treasure maps being trashed. It actually has to be as a result of this play, treasure maps trashed earlier this turn or game don't count.
* it has no checks on how you play the first treasure map, which means it doesn't care about that (normally or with ghost)
* When you play a treasure map, You always try to trash the map you played, and you always try to trash a map in your hand, regardless of the outcome.

Situation One
  on your first play you trash 1 map, so no golds
  on your second play you trash 0 maps, so no golds

Situation Two
  on your first play you trash 2 maps, so you get 3 golds
  on your second play you trash 0 maps, so no golds

Situation Three
  on your first play you trash 2 maps, so you get 3 golds
  on your second play you trash 1 map, so no golds


Actually, 4 golds each (instead of 3) in Situations Two and Three :)