Accused of playing slow

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I just played a game against someone ranked 3-4 points higher than I am and I was doing very well, so the player starting accusing me of playing slow. It was obvious they were upset about losing, but I was playing pretty fast, actually, not at all slow. I find this kind of pestering during a game unacceptable and have reported the player, but I was wondering about what is *actually* considered slow playing. Can I take 10 seconds to play or is that considered slow? (I was taking 1-2 seconds maximum in this game.)


Wow, it just happened again with someone whose name is very similar to the first one who did this. Constant badgering during play about how slow I am. I'm taking *normal* length turns. This is really upsetting.


You're being trolled, both times by the same antisocial loser.

If someone were to be considered actually playing slow, they would be taking minutes between most card plays.


Yes, thinking between plays is totally normal. 10 seconds is more than acceptable, rather lower I'd say. Slowplaying usually means taking 3 min to play a Copper , then 3 min to play the next Copper, etc.

In games some players always play faster than others, that isn't unique to Dominion. The fact that online Dominion allows fast setup, no time required for shuffling cards etc. makes some players think turns should take 5-10s for everybody because they do it that way.

Remember you have 2 options. You can close the chat window by clicking on the "speech bubble" icon. You no longer need to see what they write. If you think you'll not want to play that player again, you can blacklist them right during the game.

Click the icon with the 3 "Meeples" , then there should be a heart icon (friend) and lightning bolt icon (blacklist) for each non-bot player and spectator. Click the lightning bolt icon and (if it's a spectator) they are kicked from the table and if it's a player, they are muted for you.


OK, good to know. Thanks. I've blacklisted this player ("both" players). My question is: if enough people blacklist him is this grounds for being banned? He threatened to "use a bot to slow play every turn 3 minutes" if I continued. That's rude and aggressive in a totally unacceptable way.


Slowplaying is unacceptable. If you have a player do this (or other things you think are ban worthy), you can report them via a google form:

This will only be seen by mods. You can describe what happened and copy the relevant chat log, for example.
Some behavior will cause a banning immediately (like any kind of threat for physical or mental harm), for others we'll see if it will be reported again or if it was (hopefully) a one time transgression.


No, I'm talking about the verbal abuse on chat during the game.