Cards loading Real slow lately, but today end actions & trash button awol

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For whatever reason today after I had to wait a good 2 minutes for all cards to load (this has actually been happening a lot lately) but for whatever reason my "end actions" button never appeared.  It has been like that for the last 6 games or so.  I recorded something and will upload in a minute.  But the button is still there so if I click on the area where it would be I can click it.  But it took me a while as I had an early 6 with two experiments in hand and finally figured out how to do it.


still doing this fwiw.  Also the same thing is true for the trash.  Luckily I know where it is to be able to look into it, but there is no trash button on my screen.  I'm using a Brave browser fwiw.  I'll try a different browser and see if I get the same result, but I have successfully used a Brave browser for years prior to this glitch that started not long ago.


It's fine on chrome. This is a little wierd as Brave is chromium based, but FWIW it isn't a problem on regular chrome.


Quote from: HonkeyFresh on 01 January 2023, 07:05:08 AM
It's fine on chrome. This is a little wierd as Brave is chromium based, but FWIW it isn't a problem on regular chrome.

and now it's fine on brave too :). So who knows if it fixed itself, or someone fixed it, but I guess it is resolved now.


This sounds more like a cache problem. The card images and other image resources are loaded into the browser's cache, and usually stay there "forever". I had similar problems some days ago, maybe there was a reason they had to be reloaded, and now it affected you, and then one browser after the other got them finally into their caches and it now works again until the next time they have to be reloaded.


I get extremely slow card loading without any hint of the cards being cached, either on Safari or Brave: Choosing Select Kingdom Cards and resetting all packages (so all cards are in the list) is agonizingly slow. Then, picking any card forces the whole list to be loaded from the cheap cards forward, over and over. Setting up a game can take almost as long as a game this way.

So I can look up cards by name but not by cost  -- It would be great if I typed '5' and all the cards that cost 5 would show so I don't have to inch forward scrolling as the list loads the cheaper cards. 

It wasn't this way 4-5 months ago, before the time the card list became sorted by cost.

It's frankly almost unusable, at least the way I prefer to do things. Rethinking my subscription.  Macbook Air, 500MB connection.