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Topics - Jacob Marley

General Discussion / Possession in Black Market?
22 March 2018, 11:54:29 PM
I just played a BM game, in which Possession appeared in the black market for my opponent.  Fortunately, he didn't buy it, but it struck me as odd, since Possession is still listed as a banned card.  Does that not apply to the BM deck?
Feature Requests / View end screen but not be at table
03 October 2017, 10:52:26 PM
So, at the end of the game, I like to spend a few minutes on the end screen, looking at deck composition and thinking about the game.  The problem is, I don't plan on playing again, and if my opponent clicks Ready, I feel that it is rude to make them wait without a response until I'm ready to leave the table or they get frustrated and leave themselves.  I could send a chat message that I don't plan to play another game, but that takes time and also feels a bit rude.

What I'd like is for there to be a way to leave the table but stay on the table, so that it is clear to my opponent that I am not going to play again.
Card Bugs / Rebuild Bug
13 June 2017, 12:39:45 AM
Game 4349137:  I had 2 estates in hand, one copper on the draw pile and 1 duchy in discard.  I played Rebuild, and the game went straight to the buy phase, not letting me rebuild the Duchy into a Province.  I didn't get a chance to select a victory card to skip.

General Discussion / Rating Declining
31 March 2017, 07:39:05 PM
I'm glad the ratings system is now up.  My main area of concern is the ratings decline due to inactivity.  In general, I agree with having this be part of the ratings system, my concerns are related to the actual mechanics.  My situation is that I don't play nearly as much as some others due to family/work demands.  Certainly I don't play every day, and I can expect stretches of inactivity due to family life/vacations etc where I could go several weeks with no activity.   This happened to me with MF as well and I often went back to zero rating because of it.

My proposal is two-fold.  First, there should be a grace period of maybe a week where ratings do not decline due to inactivity.  Secondly, there should be a floor (maybe level 20?) that you cannot fall below due to inactivity, only loses.  That way, if I'm gone for several months, I don't have to go back to the start every time I'm away for a while.