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Topics - MakeADayBrighter1013

General Discussion / Dominion Allies Release Date?
03 December 2021, 08:06:21 PM
When will the new Allies expansion be available online and in stores? Thanks!
Sometimes, when one of my group has created a table, and we all say "ready", we get the message "connecting on Tokyo, waiting for (user name)", and the screen locks for all of us. It never resolves. We all have to either log back in or refresh the page. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround?

How to Play / Expansions use for other players
07 July 2020, 05:05:19 AM
When purchasing the 18-month package, I thought that those who I am playing with would be able to use my additional expansions when they are hosting a table and I have joined it as a player. But they cannot select cards from any set. They are just able to use the cards I selected when I am the host. Have I interpreted this correctly? Or is there a setting that we missed? Thanks!
Card Bugs / Tournament card bug?
07 July 2020, 05:01:14 AM
Other than the player who played the Tournament card, other players who have a Province in their hand are not able to choose a prize. There is an option "Don't reveal", but no option to "reveal".