It is fixed! And I've never seen it log in so fast on Chrome. 8)
SMF - Just Installed!
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Show posts Menuraven-3.7.0.min.js:49 0: Opening metaserver connection ( [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes (suggested: "current-password"): (More info: <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" ng-model="login.password" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" aria-invalid="false">
connection.js:14 WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed:
s.connect @ connection.js:14 @ connection.js:14
(anonymous) @ login-controller.js:203
(anonymous) @ login-controller.js:206
invoke @ angular.min.js:493
l.instance @ angular.min.js:1152
p @ angular.min.js:834
a @ angular.min.js:769
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:762
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:816
r @ angular.min.js:776
f @ angular.min.js:829
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:3829
$digest @ angular.min.js:1962
$apply @ angular.min.js:2007
(anonymous) @ page-display-controller.js:60
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 15117: Metaserver connection error (id: 0, currentId: 0). Event {isTrusted: true, type: "error", target: WebSocket, currentTarget: WebSocket, eventPhase: 2, ...}bubbles: falsecancelBubble: falsecancelable: falsecomposed: falsecurrentTarget: WebSocketbinaryType: "arraybuffer"bufferedAmount: 0extensions: ""onclose: ƒ (a)onerror: ƒ (a)onmessage: ƒ (e)onopen: ƒ (a)protocol: ""readyState: 3url: "wss://"__proto__: WebSocketdefaultPrevented: falseeventPhase: 0isTrusted: truepath: []returnValue: truesrcElement: WebSocket {url: "wss://", readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, onopen: ƒ, onerror: ƒ, ...}target: WebSocket {url: "wss://", readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, onopen: ƒ, onerror: ƒ, ...}timeStamp: 16011.800000000047type: "error"__proto__: EventAT_TARGET: 2BUBBLING_PHASE: 3CAPTURING_PHASE: 1NONE: 0bubbles: (...)cancelBubble: (...)cancelable: (...)composed: (...)composedPath: ƒ composedPath()currentTarget: (...)defaultPrevented: (...)eventPhase: (...)initEvent: ƒ initEvent()path: (...)preventDefault: ƒ preventDefault()returnValue: truesrcElement: WebSocketstopImmediatePropagation: ƒ stopImmediatePropagation()stopPropagation: ƒ stopPropagation()target: WebSockettimeStamp: 16011.800000000047type: "error"constructor: ƒ Event()AT_TARGET: 2BUBBLING_PHASE: 3CAPTURING_PHASE: 1NONE: 0arguments: nullcaller: nulllength: 1name: "Event"prototype: EventAT_TARGET: 2BUBBLING_PHASE: 3CAPTURING_PHASE: 1NONE: 0bubbles: (...)cancelBubble: (...)cancelable: (...)composed: (...)composedPath: ƒ composedPath()currentTarget: (...)defaultPrevented: (...)eventPhase: (...)initEvent: ƒ initEvent()path: (...)preventDefault: ƒ preventDefault()returnValue: (...)srcElement: (...)stopImmediatePropagation: ƒ stopImmediatePropagation()stopPropagation: ƒ stopPropagation()target: (...)timeStamp: [Exception: TypeError: Illegal invocation
at Event.r (<anonymous>:1:83)]type: [Exception: TypeError: Illegal invocation
at Event.r (<anonymous>:1:83)]constructor: ƒ Event()Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Event"get bubbles: ƒ bubbles()get cancelBubble: ƒ cancelBubble()set cancelBubble: ƒ cancelBubble()get cancelable: ƒ cancelable()get composed: ƒ composed()get currentTarget: ƒ currentTarget()get defaultPrevented: ƒ defaultPrevented()get eventPhase: ƒ eventPhase()get path: ƒ path()get returnValue: ƒ returnValue()set returnValue: ƒ returnValue()get srcElement: ƒ srcElement()get target: ƒ target()get timeStamp: ƒ timeStamp()get type: ƒ type()__proto__: Object__proto__: ƒ ()[[Scopes]]: Scopes[0]Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Event"get bubbles: ƒ bubbles()get cancelBubble: ƒ cancelBubble()set cancelBubble: ƒ cancelBubble()get cancelable: ƒ cancelable()get composed: ƒ composed()get currentTarget: ƒ currentTarget()get defaultPrevented: ƒ defaultPrevented()get eventPhase: ƒ eventPhase()get path: ƒ path()get returnValue: ƒ returnValue()set returnValue: ƒ returnValue()get srcElement: ƒ srcElement()get target: ƒ target()get timeStamp: ƒ timeStamp()get type: ƒ type()__proto__: Object
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 15117: Metaserver connection closed (id: 0, currentId: 0). CloseEvent {isTrusted: true, wasClean: false, code: 1006, reason: "", type: "close", ...}
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 15117: Close event code: 1006
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 15117: Close event string: CLOSE_ABNORMAL
raven-3.7.0.min.js:49 15117: Meta Connection closed; game isn't connected so resetting