Opponent's reveal area + Inn choosing

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Since there is no search function here, I can't really check if these issues have been reported.

1) My opponent's reveal area stays as just a tall, empty rectangle, all through the game. I tried my first game since the launch today. I'm using Vivaldi, which has Chrome's rendering engine, so it should be the same as using Chrome.

2) Choosing cards for Inn is very confusing. I guess it's the same for other card choices that are not trash or discard. I get the yellow "discard" cross, but I don't know if I'm selecting the ones I put the cross on or unselecting them. The log tells me nothing. If all action cards are pre-selected, they should have a "selected" mark (a check mark or a special border); and then when you unselect, that mark is removed - and no mark is added. If no action cards are pre-selected, they should have no mark; and then when you select, a mark is added.


Quote from: jeebus on 06 January 2017, 07:04:33 PM
Since there is no search function here, ...

It's a bit hard to see, but there is one in the main menu at the top of the page (above "Shuffle iT", third menu item).


Quote from: jeebus on 06 January 2017, 07:04:33 PM
1) My opponent's reveal area stays as just a tall, empty rectangle, all through the game. I tried my first game since the launch today. I'm using Vivaldi, which has Chrome's rendering engine, so it should be the same as using Chrome.

I still have this issue. Am I the only one, or is this how it is for now?


I'm not aware of any other reports of the reveal area rectangle not disappearing


Quote from: Watno on 09 January 2017, 08:11:45 PM
I'm not aware of any other reports of the reveal area rectangle not disappearing

No, that wasn't the problem. I guess I was unclear. Each time the reveal area rectangle shows up, it's just a narrow, empty rectangle. There is nothing inside it.



Quote from: jeebus on 06 January 2017, 07:04:33 PM
2) Choosing cards for Inn is very confusing. I guess it's the same for other card choices that are not trash or discard. I get the yellow "discard" cross, but I don't know if I'm selecting the ones I put the cross on or unselecting them. The log tells me nothing. If all action cards are pre-selected, they should have a "selected" mark (a check mark or a special border); and then when you unselect, that mark is removed - and no mark is added. If no action cards are pre-selected, they should have no mark; and then when you select, a mark is added.

I just realized that this was never addressed. Of course now I'm used to this confusing symbology, but for new players I think it could often be a problem.

A yellow "x" is used for discarding, a red "x" for trashing, and this is fine. But for selecting cards otherwise, it should be a checkmark, not an "x".