Re: Releases

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Hate to say it, but the no end screen bug is still happening for me. I had to refresh quite a few times last night because I didn't get the end screen.


I'm not happy with that new sound at the end of the game. Is there an option to turn it off? The MF was playing in its own client and you could turn off/low the sound in the Windows sound mixer. If I do it here, it affects all my browser windows which I don't like.


You can right click your browser tab and select "Mute Tab" to turn off the sounds for that tab only.


Thanks for adding the link to release notes from the release number.  I know it's a small change, but one I think makes sense and makes finding out what's in the new release so much easier.

However, it should not go to the first post it should go to the last post since that is the one that should contain information about this release.

Simply change the URL link to


The you-lost sound is terrific; its so funny. I dont enjoy the winning music, kind of lame.

If you add more sound I'd love to have a mute option in the settings. Now its fine.


I know the answer will probably be 'soon' but is there a timeline as to when the new leaderboard will be implemented? I feel like a lot of people have either greatly improved or greatly declined since the implementation of empires and 2nd editions meaning that good match often isn't very evenly matched. It would be nice for my games to start counting towards playing against harder/easier opponents soon.


Good news.  Check out Stef's comment in this thread:

Quote from: Stef on 10 March 2017, 11:54:18 AM
These are the things I expect to realize this month:

* sending in-game messages to players
   (mostly to get rid of the misery surrounding familiar cards)
* rated/unrated games (including a leaderboard and more feedback/options for matchmaking)
* smaller releases
* inheritance


That is indeed good news.


News?  Once again communication has dwindled on what is being worked on and what is coming when.... There was a short period where it felt like communication was improving, but now we're June and there seems to be only minor bug fixes coming out, no news provided except (no we are not working on apps) and no significant changes in some time.  You can do better than this.


Quote from: JunkDealer on 10 June 2017, 05:06:44 PM
News?  Once again communication has dwindled on what is being worked on and what is coming when.... There was a short period where it felt like communication was improving, but now we're June and there seems to be only minor bug fixes coming out, no news provided except (no we are not working on apps) and no significant changes in some time.  You can do better than this.

Yes we can. Or actually... the news is yes I can.

Sorry to report this but it was a bit of a turbulent time the last month. Philip decided to leave the company (this actually happened at the start of this month). In the long run I have good hopes this will be a positive development for both him and, but in the short term it off course was not.

It's now more clear then ever I need to find someone else, and since my skill set is mostly server-side I'm looking for an affinity with UI, preferably both for web and mobile. In fact I've been talking to someone today and who knows... I hope to have good news soon.


Thanks Stef,

Knowing that makes a big difference.  Even just this kind of quick update helps.  I'd argue you need not only another developer though, but a communications/marketing person.  Who knows maybe somebody within your own community would consider doing that second job for something like a free subscription.  It's not in my wheelhouse so don't consider this self promotion by any means. 

Their job would be communicating with the community the latest updates/developments with the company.  Making the forums a fun place to be.  Looking for ways to engage the community, etc...  For a small company it doesn't have to be all glitz and glamour and advertising, but certainly that might be a part of it, depending on your track.

Speaking of news.  It would be nice if there was a news section right in game.  This becomes more important as you move into app development for ios and Android.  I personally dislike games that make me hunt for the latest information on what the company is doing, or take me out of the app and launch me into a web browser.  If I wanted to go that route I could just search it out myself.  I'm lazy.... I want to see in-game that there are things going on and that a game isn't stagnant.  When this first launched I was much more engaged in the forums, but with the lack of updates I've mostly stopped looking.

Anyhow, appreciate your quick response and good luck finding the right people for the jobs!  I'm hoping we'll have more game updates soon.


Quote from: stefaccounts now have a status in the database, which may imply they're banned
   (earlier I just scrambled their password)
bury me with my money


The new chat disappears completely in the after-game screen (Safari, Mac OS 10.15.5) - i got a glimpse of the overlay graphic that lets you make the chat visible during the game - but couldn't click it, it "hid" below the window's bottom edge!


This is still an issue, despite a further release - it's a bit upsetting as it means I can't say "gg" afterwards and that feels rude... Is the bug at least on the radar?


Yes, it is being worked on.